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Social Good Consumer Insights

Driven Loyalty
Brands are using social activism to drive consumer loyalty programs
Trend - Brands are integrating activism and charitable actions directly into business models and consumer loyalty programs. This helps consumers directly influence the amount of charitability from a business, making activist consumers more likely to frequently engage in these brands over others.

Insight - Voting with the dollar is a popular concept in North America. Consumers value brands that are transparent, authentic, and have a positive impact on the world. Some interact exclusively with these brands, while others prefer to do so when possible. Of the brands that engage in charity work, consumers prefer those that demonstrate their values with tangible actions. These consumers are more loyal to brands that integrate activism directly into the core business model.
Workshop Question - How can your brand integrate activism and charitable actions into your consumer loyalty program to drive customer loyalty and differentiate from competitors?
Neurodiverse Workplace
Companies are launching initiatives designed for neurodiverse workforces
Trend - Corporations are launching DEI programs and initiatives designed to support the careers and lives of neurodiverse employees. These programs ensure equality in hiring patterns, resource access, and worker compensation. These benefit businesses by improving employee satisfaction and retention.

Insight - In the post-pandemic working world, employees have many options for workplace culture, such as finding flexible working hours, locations, or compensation. Employees each have preferences, such as wanting more flexibility or a larger wage. However, workers quickly leave jobs where they feel they do not belong, resulting in high turnover for less desirable workplaces. Companies are avoiding this fault by launching new DEI initiatives that, in addition to other protected classes, support neurodivergent workers.
Workshop Question - How could your brand ensure its DEI programs and initiatives make all potential employees feel welcome and supported?
Language Platform
Brands are using generative AI to launch language-teaching platforms
Trend - New startups are launching generative AI-powered platforms for language education. These platforms improve on previous language education services by delivering more advanced feedback, streamlined lessons, and reduced costs for consumers.

Insight - The largest and most successful language education platforms focus on short-session, asynchronous learning models. These consumers prioritize flexibility, choosing platforms that fit into their busy lifestyles. However, many platforms with flexible lessons are less effective than real-time, scheduled, human-led lessons. Brands are now mixing the convenience of asynchronous platforms with the effectiveness of lessons curated by human teachers by using advanced generative AI to power educational platforms.
Workshop Question - How could your brand augment its services with generative AI to offer consumers more flexibility?
Focus Tech
Brands are creating products to help students concentrate
Trend - Brands are launching new focus-enhancing technology designed to help students better concentrate on their work in remote or hybrid learning environments. These products and features help immerse students in their school work, showcasing the benefits of technology in the classroom and eliminating procrastination and potential distractions from outside sources.

Insight - The rapid rise of remote learning, in hybrid classes, or in busy environments has posed issues for some kids. Distractions in these environments, and/or varying learning styles, can make remote learning a challenge for some students. As a result, parents and educators are becoming interested in technological resources that promote concentration, which helps ensure their students receive the same quality of education without external factors interfering. Focus technology helps students refine their fine motor skills while filtering out background noise, which is especially important for kids under 10.
Workshop Question - How can your brand address the rapid changes that have influenced its industry?
Web3 Empowerment
Organizations make Web3 more inclusive for Hispanic & Latin American populations
Trend - Organizations are launching new Web3 campaigns, tools, courses, and products that are specifically geared toward Hispanic and Latin American populations. The majority of these initiatives have been founded in an effort to make Web3 more accessible and inclusive for both these groups.

Insight - Hispanic communities, as well as Latin American populations more broadly, face difficult and uneven barriers when entering the world of Web3. In the US, challenges include a lack of community funding and unequal Internet access. In Latin America, interested parties are held back by weaker tech infrastructure and fewer educational opportunities. To lessen these barriers, organizations are introducing Web3 initiatives dedicated to supporting these groups.
Workshop Question - How could your brand make its products or services more accessible and inclusive for all racial and ethnic groups?
LGBTQ+ Gaming
Developers are creating games that represent LGBTQ+ communities and stories
Trend - Game developers are addressing the issue of inadequate LGBTQ+ representation in gaming. These communities often feel unrepresented by games that center around straight, cisgender characters. Development studios are addressing this blindspot by promoting LGBTQ+ characters and stories in video games.

Insight - Representation is key in the media as all consumers, from teens to adults, look for themselves in content that they consume. In gaming, members of the LGBQT+ community often feel unrepresented, turning to small-budget independent games that tell their stories. This has placed pressure on more prominent, mainstream game creators to incorporate more diverse stories, characters, and identities into video games. These titles also strive to educate gamers on LGBTQ+ issues.
Workshop Question - How does your brand ensure diversity and equality in its services or products?
Live Fundraising
Live fundraising initiatives help consumers feel more connected
Trend - Live fundraising, whether for charities or creators looking for support, has become more popular as platforms make it easier to stream campaigns and content live. Donation options are often included in these initiatives and simplify the process of giving and receiving funds.

Insight - Gen Z and young Millennial consumers are especially drawn to streaming platforms with content that's created by users, and live-streaming has become an enormous business because of these platforms. Fundraising in this space is made easier with the sense of personal connection that live-streaming fosters between charities, brands or creators and their followings.
Workshop Question - How could your brand use live-campaigning to market its purpose, product or service?
Unified Bar
Bars are taking initiatives to bring communities together and support those in need
Trend - Bars are using their platforms as community establishments for social outreach. The companies are creating more inclusive environments through in-house initiatives and branded donations for worthy causes.

Insight - Throughout the pandemic, North Americans who were given the opportunity to work safely from home have had more time for introspection, leading to a greater appreciation of the sense of community and social interactions. As these consumers look inward and reassess their values, they expect companies to do the same. In response to this social change, businesses are increasing their community involvement to create a more inclusive environment for customers.
Workshop Question - How can your company improve its social outreach?
Gaming Support
Brands in the gaming industry are raising money for Ukraine
Trend - The gaming industry's charitable initiatives are now extending to the war in Ukraine, with gaming brands offering charitable bundles and hosting events where proceeds will be going towards Ukrainian relief efforts.

Insight - As social and political tensions grow around the world, consumers are increasingly expecting that brands align themselves with causes that align with their personal values. Now brands that aim to address causes like humanitarianism, sustainability, and equality are expected to do so in a way that actually adds value and impact, rather than simply paying lip service to these causes.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better align itself with its customers values?
Ethical Metaverse
Companies are bringing social good campaigns to the metaverse
Trend - Companies across various industries are taking to the metaverse to spread awareness of ongoing societal issues in the physical world. These initiatives have been expressed through NFTs, metaverse avatars, and social services that encourage users to continue supporting humanitarian efforts.

Insight - The metaverse has allowed users to engage in new methods of communication that hone in on technological advancements. In a bid to reach virtual audiences, humanitarian and philanthropic organizations are communicating their efforts using the newly available technology. This brings real-world issues to the platform's forefront, making it accessible to metaverse users who subscribe to social activism.
Workshop Question - How can your company better communicate in the metaverse?