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CTV News: Jeremy Gutsche on Rising Divorce and Snuggle for Pay

— July 16, 2012 — About
The beginning of the digital age ushered in an ease of communication unmatched by any other era in history. Though this is definitely something for modern society to be proud of, it does have some odd and sometimes, controversial repercussions. Among these are rising divorce rates, increase in child obesity and off-kilter "dating" sites that offer snuggle for pay. Trend Hunter's CEO and innovation keynote speaker Jeremy Gutsche discussed these statistics at length with CTV News today.

According to the Globe and Mail, the cause of increase in divorce rates is not what should be emphasized; the more intriguing back story here is the age of participants in said splits. Ohio's Bowling Green State University was compelled to look into the age of divorcees after Al and Tipper Gore shocked the nation with their divorce in 2010. The study yielded shocking results, considering common conceptions were that boomers stay together. It found that "More than 600,000 people aged 50 and older got divorced in 2009 in the U.S," identifying shifting gender roles as a factor.

Another potential factor in the rise of divorce rates among boomers could be new-found ease in finding alternative mates as more and more niche dating sites come to light. Among these oddball matchmaking sites is Snuggery, a site based solely on allowing singles to find a cuddle mate. According to the Globe and Mail, founder and 'Sole Snuggler' Jacqueline Samuel started the Snuggery because “[Snuggling] just makes you feel good.” Could this be the beginning of a new, more wholesome approach to romance? Or will snuggling serve as a gateway to a more sinister form of connection?

Though the Internet is the main focus of the dating world now, it seems television still has a heavy hand in the mental and physical health of society -- particularly, children. Television and other similar forms of passive entertainment are the cause for an increase in child obesity. The Globe and Mail reports that a Canadian Study has found a strong connection between hours of television watched and inches to a child's waistline. The study finds that "By the time children in the study were 4.5 years old, their waist size increased by about half a millimetre for every additional hour of TV they were watching compared with when they were 2.5."
Trend Themes
1. Rising Divorce Rates Among Boomers - Opportunity for companies/manufacturers to innovate products and services to make life easier for divorcees (i.e., co-parenting technology, support services and counseling).
2. Niche Dating Sites and Alternative Mates - Disruptive Innovation opportunity for technology developers to create dating apps and matchmaking services aimed at seniors or boomers with unique interests.
3. Television-induced Child Obesity - Opportunity for food and beverage companies, producers, and app developers to create new products and services that encourage physical movement and healthy eating habits among children.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Opportunity for tech startups to create intuitive and user-friendly apps to assist co-parents in scheduling, communication, and managing finances.
2. Dating and Matchmaking - Opportunity in the tech industry for businesses to create a dating platform for seniors or boomers with niche interests.
3. Fitness and Nutrition - Opportunity for food and beverage companies, app developers, and exercise equipment manufacturers to develop innovative solutions to promote physical activities and healthy eating habits among children.