Kitchenware brands are using transparent materials for design and function
Trend - Brands are using transparent materials in kitchen appliances. These appliances have a clean, modern aesthetic and make food preparation easier as they allow users to monitor food while it cooks. These products use innovative transparent materials with comparable safety to regular appliances.
Insight - The interior design industry continues to evolve with new design trends and materials, such as natural wood grain or modern glass dining ware. Some of these trends are to the detriment of function, while others enhance it. Customers are increasingly drawn to the latter, favoring products that enhance the convenience of the home, particularly in the kitchen. While most new functions focused on smart features, there also arose a space for new functional materials in the home.
Insight - The interior design industry continues to evolve with new design trends and materials, such as natural wood grain or modern glass dining ware. Some of these trends are to the detriment of function, while others enhance it. Customers are increasingly drawn to the latter, favoring products that enhance the convenience of the home, particularly in the kitchen. While most new functions focused on smart features, there also arose a space for new functional materials in the home.
Workshop Question - How could your brand incorporate transparent materials to enhance product functions?
Trend Themes
1. Transparent Design - Kitchenware brands are leveraging transparent materials in design and function for their appliances.
2. EMI Shielding Film Innovation - Innovative use of transparent EMI shielding film now allows more parts of home electronics to be transparent as well.
3. Multi-functional Appliances - Developing more multi-functional appliances with various cooking modes is becoming increasingly popular in order to enhance convenience in the kitchen space.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics Industry - The consumer electronics industry is now driven towards more transparent and multi-functional appliances.
2. Home Appliances Industry - The home appliance industry now integrates transparent design and innovative materials for better functionality and aesthetics.
3. Materials Industry - Innovative EMI shielding film technology is now more widely used in both the consumer electronics and home appliance industries.