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Top 80 Alcohol Trends in September

From Cannabis-Infused Beers to Hangover-Preventing Wine Wands

— September 27, 2017 — Tech
September 2017 alcohol trends reveal unique hybrid beverage innovations, as well as products that enhance the experience of drinking alcohol.

The Lagunitas Brewing Company is now offering a beer that has been infused with cannabis, and although it does not contain any THC the plant adds a unique flavor profile to the beer. Another example of unlikely hybrids is St. Boniface Brewing's collaboration with Square One Coffee, resulting in an IPA that is made of both beer and coffee, and is titled 'Best of Both Brews.'

Pure Wine's 'The Wand' is an example of unique innovations that enhance the drinking experience. The Wand can be placed in wine before they it is consumed, and filters out the components of the beverage that are likely to induce hangovers.
Napa Valley Winery Guides
Napa Valley Winery Guides
WineryGuide Serves as a Virtual Tour Guide for Californian Wineries
Blended Agave Syrups
Blended Agave Syrups
Madhava's Organic AgaveFIVE Features Agave, Monk Fruit and Stevia
Candied Antipasto Appetizers
Candied Antipasto Appetizers
Polli's Premium Antipasto Pairs Artichokes and Candied Orange
Luxurious Sleek Decanters
Luxurious Sleek Decanters
The Manual Cocktail Collection Offers Sophisticated Decanters
Citrus-Flavored Ales
Citrus-Flavored Ales
The Small Town Brewery Not Your Father's Mountain Ale is Refreshing
Fried Chicken-Infused Beers
Fried Chicken-Infused Beers
Veil Brewing Company's Boozy Beverage Combines Fried Chicken and Beer
GIF-Inspired Beer Commercials
GIF-Inspired Beer Commercials
This Brahma Beer Ad Features a Series of Looping Visuals
Remixed Wine Cocktails
Remixed Wine Cocktails
Danielle Yoon's Custom Cocktail Recipes Feature Familiar Wine Blends
Hydrating Vegan Toners
Hydrating Vegan Toners
Aromatica's Sea Daffodil Aqua Toner is Naturally Sourced
Prepackaged Summer-Themed Cocktails
Prepackaged Summer-Themed Cocktails
The Kinky Cocktails Summer Lineup is Distinctly Flavorful
Maternal Wine Branding
Maternal Wine Branding
'Mommy's Time Out' is a Humorous New Wine for Mothers
Affordable Retail Store Wines
Affordable Retail Store Wines
Target Has Launched a Wine Collection Called California Roots
Train Delay-Inspired Beers
Train Delay-Inspired Beers
Blue Point Brewing Company's Beer Makes Long Commutes More Bearable
Authentic Sangria Recipes
Authentic Sangria Recipes
This Original Spanish Sangria Blend Features SOLAZ Tempranillo Cabernet
Bold-Flavored Small Batch Brews
Bold-Flavored Small Batch Brews
The Boxcar Brew Co. is Offered in Sophisticated Bottles
Future Festival's Future Party & Tech Demos
Future Festival's Future Party & Tech Demos
Experience the Future Firsthand at Future Festival
Complex Flavor Profile Kombuchas
Complex Flavor Profile Kombuchas
The New KeVita Master Brew Kombucha Line Flavors are Energizing
Vanilla Bean-Infused Bourbon Whiskeys
Vanilla Bean-Infused Bourbon Whiskeys
Jim Beam Vanilla Has a Sweet Aroma and Flavor
Ice Cream Wine Pairings
Ice Cream Wine Pairings
Friarwood and Scoop are Teaming Up for a Unique Wine Tasting Event
Wooden Knot Beer Branding
Wooden Knot Beer Branding
The Pure Brewing Knot Murky IPA Has a Natural Can Design
Beer-Based Cocktails
Beer-Based Cocktails
Budweiser Budvar is Collaborating with Bartenders to Create 'Hoptails'
Backpack-Fitted Coolers
Backpack-Fitted Coolers
'The Boss' is a Cooler You Can Carry on Your Back
Beer Name-Generating AI
Beer Name-Generating AI
This Name Generator is Helping Craft Breweries Get Creative
App-Enabled Smart Thermoses
App-Enabled Smart Thermoses
'Prismcups' Use Infrared Sensors to Detect Various Liquids
Prosecco Drinking Games
Prosecco Drinking Games
Prosecco Pong Offers a Sophisticated Alternative to Traditional Beer Pong
BAC-Tracking Keychains
BAC-Tracking Keychains
The BACtrack Vio Breathalyzer Keychain Ensures You Limit Consumption
Wine-Centric Wedding Registries
Wine-Centric Wedding Registries
ThirstyNest Lets Couples Register for Bottles and Barware
Theme Park Wine Slushies
Theme Park Wine Slushies
The Amorette's Patisserie Wine Slushie is Available at Disney World
Soda-Flavored Milks
Soda-Flavored Milks
The Newest Limited-Edition Product from the Farmer's Cow is 'Root Beer Milk'
Golfer Drinking Games
Golfer Drinking Games
Beer Pong Golf Switches Up How the Classic Drinking Game is Played
Coffee-Beer Hybrids
Coffee-Beer Hybrids
Square One Coffee and St. Boniface Brewing Collaborated on a Coffee IPA
Freshly Made Bottled Cocktails
Freshly Made Bottled Cocktails
Withco Offers Flavorful, Preservative-Fee Cocktail Mixers
Vegan Wine Pairing Events
Vegan Wine Pairing Events
TASTE and Sand Castle Winery are Teaming Up for a Vegan Winemaker Dinner
Millennial Pink Tequilas
Millennial Pink Tequilas
Codigo 150 Rosa Tequila is Now Available in the US for Rosé Lovers
Explorer-Inspired Gin
Explorer-Inspired Gin
'The Archaeologist Gin' Features Vintage Motorcycle Parts Inside the Bottle
Floating Eco-Friendly Pools
Floating Eco-Friendly Pools
The Plus Pool Project Received Unexpected Support from Heineken
Premium Canned White Wines
Premium Canned White Wines
These Diamond Collection Single-Serve Wine Cans are Convenient
Temperature-Activated Beer Designs
Temperature-Activated Beer Designs
Red Button Brews Reveal a Story-Like Design Once Frozen
Chain Restaurant Beer Events
Chain Restaurant Beer Events
TGI Fridays is Celebrating International Beer Day with a Global Party
Wine-Analyzing Illuminators
Wine-Analyzing Illuminators
The Vinulumin Wine-Enhancing Light Box Lets You Monitor Sediment
Crowdsourced Snack Campaigns
Crowdsourced Snack Campaigns
Walkers is Urging Fans to Vote and Save Beloved Potato Chip Flavors
Flamingo-Shaped Cocktail Cups
Flamingo-Shaped Cocktail Cups
NYC's Loopy Doopy Rooftop Bar Serves Punch in a Giant Flamingo
Celebratory Rosé Bottles
Celebratory Rosé Bottles
Swish Beverages' Pink Party Rosé with Bubbles is Packed Like Champagne
Pressurized Craft Beer Kegs
Pressurized Craft Beer Kegs
The Hendrix Keg Provides Fresh Craft Beer on Tap
One-Hour Champagne Deliveries
One-Hour Champagne Deliveries
Dom Pérignon and Thirstie Teamed Up to Offer Alcohol Delivery
Boozy Christmas Calendars
Boozy Christmas Calendars
The Drinks by the Dram Advent Calendars for Christmas are Snifter-Packed
Cold Brew Beers
Cold Brew Beers
Rogue’s Cold Brew IPA is Brewed for 12 Hours and Double Filtered
Sustainable Grain-Based Beverages
Sustainable Grain-Based Beverages
The Canvas Collection is a Series of Beverages Based in Barley
Wine-Infused Gin Spirits
Wine-Infused Gin Spirits
Wölffer Estate Vineyard Made a Pink Rosé-Infused Gin
Caviar-Flavored Potato Chips
Caviar-Flavored Potato Chips
Torres' Selecta Premium Potato Chips Boast Luxurious Flavors
Cannabis-Infused Beers
Cannabis-Infused Beers
Lagunitas Brewing Company Offers a Cannabis-Infused IPA
Gelatinous Rosé Cheesecakes
Gelatinous Rosé Cheesecakes
This Pink Wine-Infused, No Bake Dessert Has an Alcoholic Jello Layer
Customized Blend Whiskeys
Customized Blend Whiskeys
The Johnnie Walker My Edition Whiskey Lets You Design the Label
Beer-Holding Speaker Systems
Beer-Holding Speaker Systems
This Outdoor Speaker System Provides Shade for Phones and Beers
Hangover-Preventing Wine Wands
Hangover-Preventing Wine Wands
The Wand from Pure Wine Filters Out Hangover-Causing Elements
Toolbox-Inspired Wine Labels
Toolbox-Inspired Wine Labels
Grape Garage 32a's Unique Wine Labels Feature Images of Tools
Dual-Drink Shot Glasses
Dual-Drink Shot Glasses
The 'DoubleTake' Drinking Shot Glasses Pack Alcohol and a Chaser
Fresh Artisanal Ginger Sodas
Fresh Artisanal Ginger Sodas
The Brooklyn Crafted Sodas are Spicy and Unfiltered
Aluminium-Bottled Wines
Aluminium-Bottled Wines
Stella Rosa Has Unveiled Its 'Pink' Wine in an Aluminium Twist-Top Bottle
Workplace Cocktail Carts
Workplace Cocktail Carts
HÛT's Gin Trolleys are Modern Iterations of Vintage Cocktail Carts
Button-Activated Cocktail Shakers
Button-Activated Cocktail Shakers
The OXO Press & Pour Insulated Steel Cocktail Shaker is Handy
Colorful Spanish Wines
Colorful Spanish Wines
Gik Uses a Pigment in Grapes’ Skin to Manipulate the Color of Wine
60s-Inspired Icelandic Bars
60s-Inspired Icelandic Bars
Mat Bar's Interior Takes Cues from the History of the Building
Aquatic Beer Pong Games
Aquatic Beer Pong Games
The Battleship Beer Pong PRO Can be Used on Water or Dry Land
Mother-Connecting Friendship Apps
Mother-Connecting Friendship Apps
The Peanut App is Helping Moms Find Like-Minded Friends
Episodic Fantasy Merchandise
Episodic Fantasy Merchandise
HBO's Game of Thrones Merchandise Collection is Now Updated Weekly
Collapsible Can-Concealing Cups
Collapsible Can-Concealing Cups
The Trinken Lid and Cup Combo Conceals Your Favorite Canned Drink
Sparkling Water Dining Events
Sparkling Water Dining Events
S.Pellegrino's 'Itineraries of Taste' is a Dining Series in London
Textural Cork Seating
Textural Cork Seating
The Vitra Cork Stool Looks Like a Larger Variation of a Wine Cork
Drip-Free Wine Aerators
Drip-Free Wine Aerators
The Eva Solo Decanter Carafe Wine Aerator Prepares Vino for Consumption
Elderflower Liqueur Pop-Ups
Elderflower Liqueur Pop-Ups
The Maison St-Germain Pop-Up Feted the Decadence of Summer
Food-Framing Infusers
Food-Framing Infusers
The Porthole Infuser Makes Flavor-Instilling Processes Infinitely Photogenic
Wine-Dispensing Handbags
Wine-Dispensing Handbags
The 'Portovino' Has a Discreet Latch for Dispensing Boozy Beverages
Blue Sparkling Wines
Blue Sparkling Wines
Skyfall Gran Reserva is a Naturally Blue Sparkling Wine from Spain
At-Home Blood Tests
At-Home Blood Tests
'Thriva' Offers Home Blood Testing Kits to Track and Improve Health
Botanical Multi-Sensory Cocktails
Botanical Multi-Sensory Cocktails
These Bombay Sapphire Cocktails Explore Dynamic Ingredients
Experiential Wine Campaign Launches
Experiential Wine Campaign Launches
This Barefoot Wine Campaign Kicked Off with a Mobile Wine Bar
Meaning-Making Beer Pop-Ups
Meaning-Making Beer Pop-Ups
The San Miguel Experience Sees the Beer Brand Looking to Inspire
DIY Eclipse-Viewing Goggles
DIY Eclipse-Viewing Goggles
Corona's Eclipse Glasses Can Be Made from Its 12-Pack Box
Sci-Fi Series Pop-Up Bars
Sci-Fi Series Pop-Up Bars
A Stranger Things Pop-Up Bar Has Opened Its Doors in Chicago