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Mobile Consumer Insights

Mobile Scanner
Brands are creating applications that can scan items into 3D assets
Trend - 3D scanner apps capture and generate three-dimensional models of real-world objects or environments. These apps transform physical objects into digital 3D assets that can be used in various applications and industries, including augmented reality, virtual reality, design, gaming, and health.

Insight - Consumers are often looking for ways to access advanced technology without purchasing a new device, and mobile-integrated scanners are an accessible resource for individuals looking to view and create personalized digital assets. By using an app instead of a machine, consumers without prior experience in 3D assets can experiment and produce their own without incurring hefty costs.
Workshop Question - How can your brand make its product/service accessible and affordable for consumers?
AI Journal
New services are using AI to offer advice on individual's daily lives
Trend - Brands in the artificial intelligence space are launching journaling apps backed by generative AI. These services can help journalers identify patterns in their lives while receiving advice from AI. The AI provides insight into emotional states that otherwise may not have been identified.

Insight - The recent influx of generative AI-powered apps and services has led to many customers seeking out AI-powered apps over regular alternatives. AI typically offers value-adds to applications that would otherwise be very difficult to implement at scale. These customers desire AI for its speed, flexibility, customizability, and personalization, as well as its ability to sort through large amounts of data in an instant. Many such customers desire a personalized AI chatbot for more emotional questions, rather than a massive large language model with a factual focus.
Workshop Question - How could your brand incorporate generative AI technology to offer more personalization in services or products for customers?
Sports Metaverse
Sports brands are launching web3 experiences for community engagement
Trend - Sports brands are entering the metaverse with web3 experiences such as virtual reality (VR) worlds, collectible NFTs, and online events. These services deepen community involvement in sports, providing a convenient and accessible way for fans to connect with athletes and each other.

Insight - Sports fans are a very community-involved group, frequently connecting with fellow fans through fantasy leagues, watch parties, and discussions. This group wants to take its involvement in sports even further and is willing to try new services and experiences to achieve this goal. The popularity of the metaverse provides a means of filling this desire, as it offers convenient community-building, as well as exclusive perks and collectibles that further immerse fans in sports.
Workshop Question - How could your industry make its customers feel more involved?
Hall Component
Consumer technology brands are using hall sensors for durability and accuracy.
Trend - Brands in the consumer electronics space are using hall sensor technology in controllers and input devices. Hall sensors use a magnetic field rather than a physical analog connection, which means the parts do not physically deteriorate over time, and are more precise.

Insight - Repair costs and additional service fees often dissuade home electronics consumers, as these devices often require professional work and cannot be repaired at home. For this reason, fans of home electronics, such as video games and smart home devices, are gravitating towards products made with durability, repairability, and accuracy in mind. Brands are responding to this pressure by crafting products with long-lasting components without adding too much to the upfront costs.
Workshop Question - How could your brand foster loyalty with consumer-first practices?
Hydration Monitor
Brands are launching hydration-focused wearbles for hotter climates
Trend - Brands are creating health-tracking wearables with specific focus on hydration monitoring and hydration reminders. These track the body's hydration levels through attached sensors. This is useful for hotter climates as global temperatures rise, helping people maintain safe hydration levels.

Insight - Consumers are growing increasingly wary of climate change as recent years have shown borderline unlivable temperatures in some areas of the world. This, when combined with heatwaves where authorities urge citizens to drink lots of water and remain in air-conditioned areas, led customers to place more importance on their hydration levels. This directly caused demand for smart wearables to shift from sleep and heartrate tracking to also detailed hydration tracking.
Workshop Question - How could your brand cater to customers' changing health priorities?
Menopause Tech
Introduction of digital menopause solutions was accelerated by the pandemic
Trend - Brands are increasingly launching digital and technological menopause solutions, as consumers have become more familiar with technology over the pandemic. These products help consumers manage symptoms from home while ensuring they have on-demand access to support through digital channels.

Insight - The pandemic caused women experiencing menopause to feel more isolated than before as in-person medical services were moved to digital platforms. These conditions led to aging consumers becoming more intimately connected to technology than before, increasing the perceived value of menopause-focused technological solutions. This directly caused an increase in demand for smart gadgets, AI-powered solutions, and digital platforms focused on perimenopause and menopause support.
Workshop Question - How could your industry leverage the increase in tech literacy caused by the pandemic?
P2P Menopause
Companies launch platforms that connect women experiencing perimenopause
Trend - Brands are launching support structure apps and platforms that connect women experiencing perimenopause and menopause with each other and support professionals. This fosters a sense of community while also providing direct, community-backed information on navigating this time of life.

Insight - Women experiencing perimenopause and menopause often feel like they are isolated. These women search the internet for ways to manage symptoms, but find few solutions that suit their exact situation. These women desire testimonials and spaces for discussing symptoms and strategies for managing them, as these conversations are stigmatized with real-life acquaintances. This pressures brands to create community-oriented platforms for women in these situations to interact safely.
Workshop Question - How could your industry foster a sense of community with its consumers?
Accessible Grill
Brands launch ceramic grills with subtle smart features for accessibility
Trend - Brands are creating ceramic grills with essential smart features, such as temperature displays, remote timers, and recommended settings. This increases accessibility by offering much-needed convenience without bombarding first-time grillers with features they may not understand.

Insight - Customers interested in at-home barbecuing will gravitate toward affordable, entry-level grills, rather than luxury ones. However, these customers still want smart grills with features that enhance the cooking experience and ease them into practice. The most desired features are cooking temperature settings, timers, remote controls, and automatic shutoff. These features are accessible and ensure cooking consistency, while they are not overbearing like many premium grills.
Workshop Question - How could your brand include smart features in traditional products to appeal to new markets?
Efficient Charger
Electronics brands are using GaN technology to improve portable charging power
Trend - Gallium nitride (GaN) is direct bandgap semiconductor technology that is more suited for high-power transistors and high safe operating temperatures than alternatives. While GaN is not new overall, is now gaining popularity in phone, laptop, and other device chargers. GaN technology is more cost-effective to produce, lighter weight, more compact, and more energy efficient than its competitors.

Insight - As phone and laptop batteries grow in capacity, consumers more frequently consider charging time when purchasing a device. Fast charging cannot compromise on portability, though, as consumers would not purchase a mobile phone charger larger than the phone itself. This places a demand on companies to produce small form factor chargers with large output wattages that do not compromise on energy efficiency, do not overheat, and do not pass costs on to consumers.
Workshop Question - How could your industry invest in new technologies now to reduce costs downstream?
SMS Commerce
Brands are integrating shopping services into mobile SMS applications
Trend - Retailers are seamlessly integrating text message shopping services into their business models. This allows customers to browse, purchase, and pay for products directly through a text message rather than using a mobile storefront application or website. This reduces online order friction.

Insight - While many consumers are familiar with mobile storefront applications, these apps often present barriers to customers that aren't intimately familiar with the technology. Additionally, navigating and shopping on small phone screens is difficult for these groups as well. As a result, retailers are offering seamless shopping services via SMS messages, allowing customers to interact with chatbots that will navigate the online shopping ecosystem, reducing friction and increasing retention.
Workshop Question - How could your brand benefit from leveraging older, more familiar technology for accessibility?