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Jeremy Gutsche
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 Keynote Speaker

Jeremy Gutsche

Chief Trend Hunter and Innovation Keynote Speaker
Member Since
Oct 2005
Jeremy Gutsche is an innovation keynote speaker, New York Times Bestselling author and the Chief Trend Hunter at

In Jeremy's words:
I founded Trend Hunter because deep down, all I ever wanted to be was an entrepreneur, but I could never find my own business idea. So I built a place where people from around the world could SHARE business ideas, hoping someone, somewhere would submit an idea to inspire me.

It turns out there were a lot of people looking for inspiration and Trend Hunter blossomed into something much bigger.
Jeremy lives in Toronto Canada with a cute puppy AND his lovely successful wife. Jeremy Gutsche's wife Taylor Klick is CEO of Influence For Impact, an influencer marketing platform and marketing agency. Taylor Klick launched some of the world's most successful influencer campaigns, in the 250,000,000+ view range, including Adidas Parlay Ocean Plastic clothing. This sparked her interest in sustainable merchandise, and today she is a sustainable fashion leader and on the board director for Fashion Takes Action.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I love interacting with people, brainstorming new ideas and thrill seeking. On the latter, I'm up for anything. So far I've been swimming with sharks, racing baja rally cars, jumping from planes, skiing off cliffs, bobsledding and motorcycle racing. Also, I have a short attention span. Also, I forget the question. What?
What's your favorite accomplishment?
I love everything about, and I'm most proud of the way that we have helped to connect a community of inspirational people.
How do you define cool?
Cool hunting isn't the search for what's popular. Cool hunting is the search for what's NOT popular yet. Once something becomes mainstream, its novelty and appeal is lost. Cool is unique, cutting edge and viral. Because cool is viral, marketers and product designers seek to attain it.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
I like to hunt for Clusters of Inspiration. This might have you wondering why the Trend Hunter guy use a word like 'cluster' instead of 'trend'? Quite simply, the word 'trends' is to broad. It can refer to next fall's fashionable color, or macro-trends like the green movement, female buyers, consolidation, outsourcing, Web 2.0 and aging boomers. These trends are somewhat useful, but too generic to enable breakthrough thinking. Clustering is the art of identifying insights that are meaningful to your customer. To create clusters, you'll need to collect your observations from trend hunting and filter through the noise.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
I've always been insatiably curious and obsessed with innovation. I am an entrepreneur at heart, although I spent years hunting for a business idea. In fact, I created Trend Hunter as a place where people could share business ideas, and I was hoping along the way that I would find my own idea... Fortunately, Trend Hunter grew into the business idea itself. For this, I have been truly lucky because I feel like I am working on a hobby. To me Trend Hunter is an obsession and a passion, but most certainly not a job. I am passionate about our Trend Hunter community and I get really excited every time someone sends an email that we helped them to get inspired.
What is your favorite trend?
If this was a serious interview, I'd note that my favorite PRO Trend is NEXT BESTING, which we define as way the recession changed consumer purchasing, enabling us to *try* the next-best-option, instead of simply purchasing the market leading brand. I like this trend because it creates entrepreneurial opportunity. I'm always a fan of the little guy, and I love entrepreneurial creativity. - Get a Personalized Phone Call from Samuel Jackson - The Half Suit - Business on top, Party Below - The Innespace Dolphin Personal Watercraft - The Rise of Shock Labels - Cocaine Energy Drink
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Find something ridiculously new that is edgy, bizarre and controversial.
How do you reset to be creative?
I let myself get lost in the trends at Trend Hunter. Although we advertise that the site gets ~40 million views, 1-2 million are actually from me. Basically, I like to expose myself to all the wonderfully brilliant innovations and along the way, I'll get inspired. When I get an idea, I become very obsessive about it. This leads me to a zone where I will no doubt work through the night to finish what I started. I don't look at 'all-nighters' as a bad thing. For me, I have realized that the wee hours of the morning make me remarkably more productive, so I embrace that.
What inspires or excites you?
Creativity. Ambition. Randomness. The NEXT BIG THING.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
My Dad told me that mobile phones would be big... So I used to stick with that as my answer... But then CNN invited me to come talk about Trends in 2020, and I realized I'd have to come up with something pretty quick. That led me to digital newspapers, robots that cut your hair and emotion sensitive technology... If you want to watch, you can catch it all HERE.
Carbon Capture Companies
Carbon Capture Companies
Occidental and Vicki Hollub's Ambitious Plan to Clean The Sky
What are Carbon Capture Companies and what do they do?  Put simply, the goal is to capture CO2 pollution from a smokestack or from the sky, which you can use to create new products, like carbon... MORE
FREE 2023 Trend Report
FREE 2023 Trend Report
400,000 Smart People Like You Read Our Trend Report
Trend Hunter’s long-awaited 2023 Trend Report research is ready—and this year it’s free! You can get our 2023 Trend Report HERE. Here’s my intro letter about why the 2023... MORE
Future Festival World Summit
Future Festival World Summit
The World's Best 2022 Innovation Conference is Back!
If you’re like me, and innovation is important to your role, you need to reserve your spot at our EPIC 2022 Innovation Conference.  That’s right, the world’s best innovation... MORE
2022 Trend Report Report + Webinar
2022 Trend Report Report + Webinar
The Roaring 20s are Coming Back
It’s time to find your post-pandemic opportunities with our 2022 Trend Report, the 2022 Trend Report webinar, and our Future Festival Virtual Summit. The 2022 Trend Report will be FREE to all... MORE
Create the Future Book Wins Gold Medal
Create the Future Book Wins Gold Medal
Find Your Opportunity in Times of Chaos
The next few years are going to be one of the most exciting creative period in modern history!  The Roaring 20s emerged from the Spanish Flu.  The Renaissance Period Emerged from the Black... MORE
Premium 5 Year Trend Reports
Premium 5 Year Trend Reports
Well-Researched Guides to the Future
This year, break into your strategic planning process earlier and easier with our brand new 5 Year Trend Report. This report will grant you a Futurists’ perspective on the top disruptive trends... MORE
2021 Trend Report Video Countdown
2021 Trend Report Video Countdown
Our Top 20 Trends PLUS Downloadable Trend Report
It’s that magical time of year when we reveal the Top 20 Trends for 2021, based on our 2021 Trend Report and our market research on  This year, we completed more than 2,... MORE
Create the Future (New Book)
Create the Future (New Book)
Plus The Innovation Handbook - Tactics for Disruptive Thinking
I’m thrilled to announce my new double-sided book, Create the Future + The Innovation Handbook - Tactics for Disruptive Thinking.  The 360 page guide is loaded with tactics, tools and... MORE
Sustainable Tree Planting
Sustainable Tree Planting
Trend Hunter is Planting 1,000,000 Trees
The Amazon Rainforests are on fire, which some global leaders have declared as a global emergency.  If you’re like most people, you’re probably worried but unsure about how to help.... MORE
Future Festival World Summit
Future Festival World Summit
7 Reasons You Need to Join The World's Brightest
In 2 minutes or less, I want to convince you to join Future Festival World Summit, our best innovation conference. To persuade you to join, here’s why three quarters of the world’s ‘... MORE
2016 Trend Report Top 20
2016 Trend Report Top 20
Must See: Our 2016 Trends Forecast
Our Top 20 Trends / 2016 Trend Report video is out!  Every year, this forecast video is our most popular video, so please check it out.  This year’s Top 20 Trends were distilled from... MORE
Better and Faster Book Trailer
Better and Faster Book Trailer
Trend Hunter's 2015 Innovation Book
This is the trailer for Better and Faster, set for release in March. So far the book has been the #1 bestselling business book pre-sell on Indiegogo, and has been the #1 new release on Amazon in... MORE
Airplane Internet Gouging
Airplane Internet Gouging
Singapore Airlines Billed Me $1200 for The Internet
You know that epic feeling when your flight ends and you finally get to your destination? Now imagine taking those first steps off the plane, syncing your phone, and getting a $1200 bill for... MORE
2014 Trend Report Top 20
2014 Trend Report Top 20
Our Favorite Trends for 2014
Our 2014 Trend Reports are now out, which leads us to a favorite video that we do each year, highlighting 20 of our favorite new trends. Accordingly, these are the trends in 2014. If you want Trend... MORE
Honoring Trend Hunter's Inspiration
Honoring Trend Hunter's Inspiration
Sig Gutsche, Father of Trend Hunter CEO, 1949-2013
Today, I mourn the loss of my father, Sig Gutsche, a charismatic serial entrepreneur, super dad, loving husband, pillar of the Calgary community, philanthropist, savior of the Calgary Stampeders and... MORE
Top 20 Trends in 2013 Forecast
Top 20 Trends in 2013 Forecast
2013 Trend Report Highlights by Trend Hunter
Manufactured Addiction, Upgraded Ordinary and Millennial Madness—Today we hunt Trends in 2013 with our “Top 20 Trends in 2013 Forecast”.... 20. Modular Retail - Fold-away fashion... MORE
Trend Hunter Hits One Billion Views
Trend Hunter Hits One Billion Views
Thanks to Our Awesome Trend Report Loving Community
Last night, Trend Hunter surpassed an epic ONE BILLION lifetime views!  Accordingly, today is a day of celebration, and we’d like to thank all of our Trend Hunters around the world for... MORE
Top 20 Trends in 2012
Top 20 Trends in 2012
2012 Consumer Trends Forecast by Trend Hunter
Social Fitness, Digital Graffiti and Pop Culture Vacations -- Today we hunt Trends in 2012! 20. Digital Eating - Internet martini bars, paperless cafes and robot-ran restaurants. Digital devices in restaurants… MORE
Free Exploiting Chaos eBook
Free Exploiting Chaos eBook
Our Award-Winning Innovation Book is Now Free
Our award-winning innovation book, Exploiting Chaos, is now a free interactive ebook, enhanced with more than a dozen videos! Exploiting Chaos was already highly visual, and now you can watch it along… MORE
The New Generation of Office Space
The New Generation of Office Space
Colliers Presents The Trend Hunter Documentary
Colliers International and Chris Fyvie not only helped Trend Hunter find our new space in Toronto, but they sponsored this Trend Hunter documentary video, produced by Crucial Pictures. (SPONSORED) Say… MORE
Trend Hunter 2 Minute Trailer
Trend Hunter 2 Minute Trailer
The History of Documentary
We’re ecstatic to launch this 2 minute trailer, which showcases the history of Trend Hunter, its founder, Jeremy Gutsche (that’s me!) and its rise to 500,000,000 total views and 1,000,... MORE
3 Years of Trend Hunter
3 Years of Trend Hunter
This Week's Newsletter, Looking Back, and
THANK YOU FOR 3 YEARS! - Today's newsletter is sentimental and nostalgic for a number of reasons... First off, it's my birthday! More importantly, my birthday marks the 3rd year anniversary from the day… MORE
Trend Hunter Office
Trend Hunter Office
Inside Our Modern New Office Design
Take a tour inside Trend Hunter's modern new office design. We've been calling our new Toronto location home for a month... and now, and it's time to share it with the world! The office is a brick and… MORE
Guy Kawasaki's New Book Will Teach You to Delight
Guy Kawasaki's new book, Enchantment, just hit the shelves, and if you've been following the Enchantment Facebook Page, you know this is Kawasaki's most-hyped book so far - for good reason. Enchantment… MORE
Top 20 Trends in 2011
Top 20 Trends in 2011
2011 Consumer Trends Forecast by Trend Hunter
Projected Publicity, Tweetonomics and Rockstar Self-Expression Today we hunt Trends in 2011 20. Projected Publicity - Marketers turning to large-scale, low-cost and ultra viral mediums like these projected… MORE
Innovation Keynote by Jeremy Gutsche
Innovation Keynote by Jeremy Gutsche
Trend Hunter CEO's 30 Minute Keynote Vid
Over the last 2 years, I’ve given about 150 innovation keynote speeches around the world, but in all that time, I never had the chance to release a 30 minute innovation keynote video online.&... MORE
Sprint Firsts in the Twittersphere
Twitterific cakes, hashtag-powered sites and social network stockings. Today we hunt: TWEETONOMICS - Sprint Firsts in the Twittersphere. With Twitter now a household term, the popular social media site… MORE
Stylish Tech
Stylish Tech
Sprint Firsts in Merging Technology and Fashion
Secret agent shirts, texting underpants and earring hearing aids. Today we hunt: STYLISH TECH - Sprint firsts in merging technology and fashion. Making their way into the hearts of the fashionable and… MORE
Sprint Firsts in Virtual Learning Tutorials
Fashion how-to videos, YouTube makeup artists and virtual kissing lessons. Today we hunt: VIRTUTORIALS - Sprint firsts in virtual online tutorials. Increased connectivity has spawned a more expansive… MORE
Wrist-Worn Techcessories
Wrist-Worn Techcessories
Sprint Firsts in Wrist Technology
Pictogram bangles, digital dating bracelets and holographic wrist phones. Today we hunt: WRIST-WORN TECHCESSORIES - Sprint firsts in wrist worn technology. Many people no longer rely on wristwatches due… MORE
Projected Publicity
Projected Publicity
Sprint Firsts in Guerrilla Marketing
Pinball projections, interactive adult playgrounds and beamvertising. Today we hunt: PROJECTED PUBLICITY - Sprint firsts in guerrilla marketing. Billboards and print ads are stepping out of the spotlight… MORE
Social Media Upcomers
Social Media Upcomers
Sprint Firsts in the Next Gen of Online Communities
Social networks for entrepreneurs, bookworm dating and Facebook rivals. Today we hunt: SOCIAL MEDIA UPCOMERS - Sprint Firsts in the Next Gen of Online Media. And now, the Sprint Top Ten. 10) Flipboard… MORE
Toddler Touchscreens
Toddler Touchscreens
Sprint Firsts in Hi-Tech Development Tools
Interactive tables, iPad learning apps and mini laptops. Today we hunt: TODDLER TOUCHSCREENS – Sprint Firsts in hi-tech development tools. While usually thought of as adult-only technology, touchscreen… MORE
Sprint Firsts in Facebook
Profile pic photoshoots, facebooking frocks and social media mugs. Today we hunt: FACEBRANDING – Sprint Firsts in Facebook. Social media is no longer confined to the Internet, as Facebook gets its own… MORE
Artistic Barchitecture
Artistic Barchitecture
901 Tequila Presents Artistic Emphasis on Club Decor & Architecture
Laser-lined lounges, blood red bars and fish bowl dance floors. Today we hunt: ARTISTIC 'BARCHITECTURE' - 901 Tequila presents artistic emphasis on club decor & architecture. Because establishments with… MORE
Sprint Firsts in Mood-Based Tech
Mood-sensitive jewelry, emotive flowers and emotional lighting. Today we hunt: EMOTIONOLOGY - Sprint firsts in mood-based tech. With growing technological advances and the increasing number of digital… MORE

Featured Ideas

Public Nostril Picking
Public Nostril Picking
Nose Hair Clipper Pluck Pesky Hairs
I guess it's not a trend... just a gadget. And yes, this nose hair trimmer is indeed shaped like a finger. But it for yourself, or for that special friend who just doesn't seem to notice all his excessive… MORE
Liquid Architecture
Liquid Architecture
Metropol Parasol in Spain
The Metropol Parasol is a redevelopment project for a pubic plaza in Spain that takes fluid architecture to a new level of intrigue. The structure curves with shapes that seem only possible in a futuristic… MORE
Alternate Reality Treasure Hunts
Alternate Reality Treasure Hunts
Uncover a $200,000 Bounty with the Perplex City Card Game
This is awesome: Hidden somewhere in the world is a buried treasure with a $200,000 reward. All you have to do to claim the bounty is solve a series of cryptic puzzles. Sounds simple? Well, it's not.… MORE
EleeNo WebTime Elite
EleeNo WebTime Elite
Difficult to Read, But Hot
TokyoFlash, a company that has introduced us to a number of innovative watches, is now selling the EleeNo WebTime Elite. The EleeNo watch is funky, but it will take you a little bit of time to get used… MORE
Ticket Bowls
Ticket Bowls
Artist Brian Jewett has created a cool line of ticket bowls which run for $60 at Elsewares, "These bowls are made from real tickets that are artfully shaped and sealed to hold their form. They can hold… MORE
WiFi Robots Extend Wireless Networks in Battlefields
WiFi Robots Extend Wireless Networks in Battlefields
Now you can surf the net when you're invading a terrorist bunker. DARPA is developing tiny WiFi robots which extend wireless networks in battlefields. The robots will be particularly useful in caves,… MORE
Celebrity Banter
Celebrity Banter
Jimmy Kimmel is F--king Ben Affleck
Jimmy Kimmel has responded to girlfriend Sarah Silverman’s viral video with a celebrity filled viral video of his own: ‘I’m F--king Ben Affleck’. The celebrity studded viral includes cameo appearances… MORE
Reebok Boltron Collection
Reebok Boltron Collection
Transformer Inspired Sneakers
Geek up your groove with the Voltron Collection, a Reebok brand of shoes inspired by the Transformers. The five standard RBK shoes in the collection include the Court Victory (Black Lion) Pump Omni Lite… MORE
Jumbo Plasmas
Jumbo Plasmas
Panasonic 103 inch Plasma Goes on Sale
A new category of Jumbo Plasmas are now on sale. One of the largest is the Panasonic 103 inch HDTV. Soon you'll be able to make your whole wall into a plasma. How big is too big, and how big is not… MORE
$100,000 Jeweled Pepsi Can
$100,000 Jeweled Pepsi Can
Bling Bling Boring
Looking to add a little luxury to your Pepsi? Now you can with a $100,000 jewel studded Pepsi can. The only dealio is that you have to win it. The can is trimmed with 300 diamonds, 100 saphires and… MORE
The New Generation of Office Space
The New Generation of Office Space
Colliers Presents The Trend Hunter Documentary
Colliers International and Chris Fyvie not only helped Trend Hunter find our new space in Toronto, but they sponsored this Trend Hunter documentary video, produced by Crucial Pictures. (SPONSORED) Say… MORE
Taking Care of Your Beaver
Taking Care of Your Beaver
Kotex Ad Pushes the Limits, Educates, Pokes Fun
According to Uby Kotex, you've only got one beaver, so you should take care of it... with their line of tampons, pads and liners. That's not an uncomfortable ad for men to watch, is it? In the campaign, Uby Kotex urges that, "it's high time women stopped being so damn shy about our vaginas. You do… MORE
Fake Ads (Follow Up)
Fake Ads (Follow Up)
Prankster Who Published Fake Ads Tells His Tale
In March, Trend Hunter featured a prankster who sent fake Gucci Ads of himself to a large Swiss Magazine... The magazine thought he worked for Gucci and published the ads... In a recent interview for… MORE
Brazil Still Obsessed by Thin, Despite 4th Anorexia Death
Brazil Still Obsessed by Thin, Despite 4th Anorexia Death
Last September, Trend Hunter posted an article about Madrid banning skinny models from their catwalk.  Maybe Brazil needs to follow suit.  The style conscious upper class are still... MORE