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Jeremy Gutsche and Trend Hunter Featured on 107.7 The End

— January 6, 2007 — About
Today I spoke on the 107.7 ‘The End’ Seattle, one of North America’s most influential Alternative Radio Stations.  I was interviewd on The Church of Lazlo during the 5pm ride home show.  Here’s the transcript:

TEASER: Lazlo: We’re going to call the guy from This guy, he is the king.. he knows everything before it happens,

INTERVIEW: Lazlo: Tell me about your website. You have A HUGE website that everyone’s talking about called

Jeremy: You got it. Luxury, Bizarre, Extreme. Everything you can imagine. Find out what’s cool before it’s cool.

Lazlo: Now, are you related to the guys at

Jeremy: haha.. If only! I keep asking for a relationship and they won’t do it, so we’re stuck with trends… ;)

Lazlo: Alright, I was looking at your website, it’s a cool website. It’s one of those websites we can all get informed about. What’s going to be new. What’s next. But, one of the things really interesting on your website is the retro phones. Is that really going to be the next big trend in ‘07?

Jeremy: Retro Phones? Your grandma rocks it up and you know it… ;) It’s just an old phone sitting on your desk, it doesn’t do anything. The thing about TrendHunter is that everything that could be cool is on the fringe. Everything that’s popular is too mainstream.

Lazlo: You got it.

Jeremy: I’ve got you guys some good ones today. I’m going to give you a multiple choice for which trend I’ll describe. I will give you:

-, which is the next million dollar website;

- Spoiled Superbowl Ads;

- Animal Poo Coffee; or

- Alec Baldwin telling me I have a nice ass..

Lazlo: Ooh… I like Animal Poo, of course.

Host 2: haha.

Jeremy: The Animal Poo is hot, I’m not going to lie to you, you won’t be upset if that’s what you go with it.

Lazlo: Well, we’ll go with Animal Poo Coffee Then. What’s the deal.

Jeremy: We have eccentric people in the world who are willing to pay up to $1000 per kilogram for coffee that was pood out of an animal. There is an animal in the jungles of Samatra, it eats the coffee beans, and it processed them, poos them out, and people make coffee out of out..

Lazlo: Haha. That right there was one of the funny things at Now there was a guy, one that I thought was interesting that I never thought was Now we’ve seen, this one is interesting too, righjt?

Jeremy: There is a guy and if you bid the right amount of money, he will change his name to whatever you want. The bid is at $30,000 bucks right now.

Lazlo: Are you going to bid for

Jeremy: I wanted, but I saw a bid for Vanilla Ice, and I think it would be funny to name someone Vanilla Ice.

Host 2: I like, but I think Vanilla Ice might be a little better. But, I’ll change my name to for a cool $20,000.

Jeremy: How about $18?

Host 3: Deal.

Lazlo: Hahaha! Okay, Ladies and Gendlemen, that was our friend from  We’d love to talk to you more often. You can tell us what’s cool, what’s coming up, what we should buy next. And I swear to god, my grandmother does have one of those old rotory phones.

Jeremy: Sell it.

Lazlo: Could be worth something this year, huh?

Jeremy: 160 bucks. Sell it.

Lazlo: Okay! haha. Thank you Jeremy!
Trend Themes
1. Retro-phones - Capitalizing on the popularity of retro aesthetics, there is an opportunity to create and market modern versions of old-school rotary phones.
2. Spoiled-superbowl-ads - With the increasing demand for novel and attention-grabbing advertisements, there is potential to disrupt traditional Superbowl advertising by intentionally spoiling ads before they are aired.
3. Animal-poo-coffee - Catering to consumers' desire for unique and exotic experiences, there is an opportunity to create a market for coffee made from beans processed through animal digestion.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - The rise of online platforms like presents an opportunity to disrupt traditional naming conventions and monetize the process of changing one's legal name.
2. Advertising - In the age of social media, there is potential for advertisers to embrace disruptive strategies like spoiling Superbowl ads to generate buzz and engage with audiences.
3. Coffee - The Animal Poo Coffee trend opens up opportunities for coffee companies to explore unique sourcing methods and cater to adventurous coffee enthusiasts looking for unconventional flavors.