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Jargon Trends

The online landscape is always changing. It is continuously adpting to the way users are communicating with one another, particularly among younger generations . Whether it be millennial communication, modern slang or the latest trend pattern, Trend Hunter’s Jargon category is your go-to source for everything communication related.
Prank-Funding Campaigns
Prank-Funding Campaigns
Simon Kwan's Kickstarter Campaign Aims to Create an X-Wing Fighter
This hilarious Kickstarter campaign by Simon Kwan hopes to earn $11 million dollars for an X-Wing Fighter. The initiative is a reaction to a similar controversial spoof campaign that hopes to raise... MORE
play_circle_filled Simplifying Legal Jargon
Simplifying Legal Jargon
Alan Siegel Explains Why This Form of Language is Too Complex
In this insightful keynote, Alan Siegel proposes that we simplify the language behind legal jargon. He explains to his audience how public officials are writing bills that are unintelligible and way too… MORE
Stupid Names Get Attention
Stupid Names Get Attention
Catchword Branding Creates: Vudu, Promptu, BooRah, ItzBig
According to the LA Times, "Naming a company is far more difficult than naming a child. The name needs to sound snappy, separate its young company from the pack, and provide a unique Web address. 'Old-school… MORE
play_circle_filled Lingo 2.0
Lingo 2.0
Windorphins, An eBay By-Product
As with every time period, a new vocabulary accompanies the latest trends. Web 2.0 came with its own set of jargon that to the unfamiliar, would be absolute jibber-jabber. Here's the term of the day: Windorphins… MORE
100 Mile Diet
100 Mile Diet
Local Eating for Global Change
"Support Local" is an emerging theme in the Green Movement. This diversely interpreted concept translates usually into activities and lifestyle that support the local economy - which, then, is the linchpin… MORE
Grief Tourism
Grief Tourism
When Travelers Seek Tragedy
When we imagine "tourism," we imagine beaches, comfortable hotels, sometimes a sport, and at other times natural discovery. But now, darker forms of tourism are gaining popularity in an increasingly news-strung… MORE
Space Station Becomes the Brightest Manmade Object in the Sky
Space Station Becomes the Brightest Manmade Object in the Sky
It’s almost as bright as Jupiter and four times as bright as Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. This thanks to the new solar arrays that the Space Shuttle Atlantis just delivered and the astronauts… MORE
Microfinance Investing
Microfinance Investing Lets You Become a Banker to the Poor
Fofoa Ekuata is a plantation owner in Samoa. She needs US$ 875/- to buy a box of Cramoxon, a pest management system. She is asking for help via, a website where anyone can be a banker to the poor.… MORE
AI Co-Parent
AI-based parenting apps help families proactively monitor wellbeing and development
Trend - AI-based support apps for parents of infants and young children are being used for skill development, mental health, and/or health monitoring. These programs offer a proactive approach to supporting child development and help parents collect data in cases that require intervention.

Insight - Using tech to monitor and prioritize skill-building is especially helpful for caregivers with children who have mental or physical disabilities, behavioral challenges, or are displaying symptoms of illness. These smart solutions add an additional layer of support to the parenting process, offer important information for medical personnel if needed, and generally take some of the pressure off for busy parents with multiple priorities on top of childcare.
Workshop Question - How could your brand use AI to simplify its customers' day-to-day?
Short Marketing Lesson Websites
Short Marketing Lesson Websites
The Proof is a Marketing Website That Gives Actionable Solutions
Understanding marketing tactics and buying behaviors of consumers is key to ensuring your business has a high return on investment, and now to simplify market research, the Proof has launched to... MORE
Eco Jargon
Eco Jargon
Green Collar Jobs
You've heard of white collar, blue collar and pink collar jobs but have you heard of green collar? If not, it's about time you caught up with living in 2008. Now that the world is increasingly focused… MORE
Immersive Software Conferences
Immersive Software Conferences
SaaStr Annual Announces a Virtual Conference Amid COVID-19
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have shifted their conferences to an online platform, including renowned brand SaaSr Annual — the largest community conference centered around ‘... MORE
Text Message-Based CRM Platforms
Text Message-Based CRM Platforms
Respond Flow Helps You Build Customer Relationships Through Text
As any savvy business person knows, client relationship management is key to building your business, and now, thanks to Respond Flow, users can easily reach their clients. The platform allows... MORE
Team Culture Analysis Platforms
Team Culture Analysis Platforms Helps You Analyze Your Team's Collaboration on Slack
For those working to improve their company’s work culture, recently launched a new platform that gives organizations insight into how their team collaborates on Slack and MS Team. The... MORE
play_circle_filled Ultrasonic Communication Devices
Ultrasonic Communication Devices
Sonarax Lets You Send & Receive Data Over Ultrasonic Connectivity
Sonarax is an ultrasonic communication device that allows users to transmit data over sound technology. The tool enables devices to pair and transfer data through both encrypted and open channels... MORE
Stay at Home Vacations
The “Staycation” is a critical piece of modern lingo to pick up now that gas price are skyrocketing. Trend Hunter occasionally highlights some need-to know terms, and the staycation is a key piece… MORE
Lingo 2.0: Bacn
Lingo 2.0: Bacn
Email You Want, But Not Right Now
Following up on the words you need to know in the cyberworld today is "bacn," pronounced like the greasy breakfast staple. It describes those emails you receive that you want, but just not yet. You'll… MORE
YouTube for Scientists
YouTube for Scientists
SciVee Video Sharing
Sometimes even scientists have a hard time understanding the heavy, technical jargon of research papers. They're hoping that by sharing video presentations, ideas will flow more quickly within the scientific… MORE
The N-word, Six Feet Under
The N-word, Six Feet Under
The NAACP Buries the Racial Slur
Pulled by two Percheron horses and ensconced in a pine box adorned with a garland of flowers the N-word was laid to rest in Detroit. Will other minorities follow suit and bury racial epithets? MORE
Crowdsourced R&D
Crowdsourced R&D
InnoCentive Poses Million Dollar Challenge
Scientist? Can measure disease progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease/ Motorneuron Disease) for US$ 1,000,000? Get on over to - the crowdsourcing R&D;… MORE
Crowdsourced Journalism
Crowdsourced Journalism
Assignment Zero: an Experiment in Pro-Am Journalism
Assignment Zero is an experiment in professional-amateur journalism: amateurs write/report, professionals edit. Everybody wins. And with this, "pro-am journalism" enters the lingo of the new world of… MORE
Blamestorming, Mouse Potato and Swipeouts
Blamestorming, Mouse Potato and Swipeouts
Technology Inspired Lingo
Technology is changing everything including our very language and the way that we speak. It's responsible for the creation and use of new terms and new words. And if you don't want to appear out of touch,… MORE
Crowdsourced Journalism
Crowdsourced Journalism
The News is
NowPublic is a participatory news network which mobilizes an army of reporters to cover the events that define our world. The company currently has thousands of reporters in over 140 countries. (88858… MORE
play_circle_filled Bushisms
President Bush a Shining Example for Miss South Carolina
When it comes to having a natural talent to mangle the English language and limited ability to retain accurate facts Miss South Carolina has a role model in the President of the United States such as America.… MORE
Solar Empowering Billboards
Solar Empowering Billboards
NEDBank Billboard Lights Up School Kitchen
South Africa's NEDBank won a Cannes Lions 2007 Grand Prix Award in outdoor advertising for what is believed to be the world's first solar-powered billboard. The topper? This revolutionary billboard uses… MORE