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Jack Covert of 800 CEO Read: Jeremy Gutsche's EXPLOITING CHAOS Featured

— September 16, 2009 — About
Jack Covert, founder and president of the highly-esteemed 800 CEO Read, caught on early that there was something different about Jeremy Gutsche’s breakout book EXPLOITING CHAOS. Have a look at the article below to read about what Jack Covert had to say about the book.

Jack Covert Selects – Exploiting Chaos

by 800-CEO-READ

Without a doubt, this is one of the best books on sparking ideas that I have ever read. Jeremy Gutsche has written and designed an excellent book for an uncertain time—a time when all of our instincts scream at us to retreat. Instead, Gutsche all but demands that we act, reminding us that companies such as Disney, CNN, HP, GE, Apple, Sun, Eli Lilly and many more were founded during periods of economic recession.

The great motivational stories are here, from the boiling frog story to a more obscure tale about Smith Corona. You’ll find great motivational quotes here as well, including Edison’s “I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to not make a light bulb.” and Michael Jordan’s “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” And, while we may have heard these before, Gutsche presents the gathered material in an energetic and fresh manner.

Beyond the motivational material, Exploiting Chaos doesn’t serve up the same old examples of innovation and success. Gutsche points out that “IBM, GE, Wal-Mart, Dell, and Southwest Airlines were referenced in 1,304 of the most recent 2,000 Harvard Business Review articles” and states what you’re probably thinking after reading that sentence—“Holy crap! That’s excessive.” Accordingly, Exploiting Chaos brings you more rare examples, applicable to both big businesses and new ventures.

Exploiting Chaos is a different type of business book in terms of design as well. The presentation is truly special. The author explains the reason for this:

“Our reading habits have entirely changed in the last decade. Driven by media clutter and our shrinking attention spans, our world has become headline obsessed. Hence, this book is visual and action packed, offering two ways to read:

1. Consume the content end-to-end.
2. Just read the headlines on each page. They flow together and will help to spark your next big idea.”

I read it from cover to cover, but believe that even good skim will have you reaching for a blank piece of paper and pen or a fresh Word document. Get yourself a copy of Exploiting Chaos. It could be the difference going forward.
Trend Themes
1. Sparking Ideas - Opportunities for creating innovative ideas in uncertain times.
2. Motivational Material - Utilizing motivational stories and quotes to inspire innovation.
3. Rare Examples - Exploring lesser-known examples of innovation and success.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Incorporating visual and action-packed design elements in business books.
2. Media and Advertising - Addressing the changing reading habits driven by media clutter and shrinking attention spans.
3. Technology - Creating tools and platforms for sparking ideas and innovation.