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49 Innovative Documentaries

From Bold HIV Awareness Campaigns to Edgy Urban Cycling Films

— April 25, 2014 — Pop Culture
This collection of innovative documentaries in honor of the 2014 Hot Docs Canadian international documentary film festival running from April 24th to May 4th in Toronto. Hot Docs selections will be playing at a number of different theaters across the city, and is the largest documentary film festival in North America. Like the human experiences this genre of film focuses on, the movie subject matter is varied.

Many innovative documentaries focus on a specific social issue the director and people behind the film would like to bring awareness to. This could be anything from a medical epidemic like AIDS to animal conservation. Others center around unusual lifestyles or subcultures within society and telling their stories. Some also take an in depth look at the making of something unique.
Embodied Dream Manifestation Videos
Embodied Dream Manifestation Videos
'In Dreams' Turns Your Head into Your Worst Nightmare
Revamped Rasta Rap Stars
Revamped Rasta Rap Stars
The Snoop Lion Reincarnated Documentary Presents a New Snoop Dogg
Cotnroversial Twitter-Driven Documentaries
Cotnroversial Twitter-Driven Documentaries
'Ai Wei Wei: Never Sorry' is About Art and Information
Video Game Creation Films
Video Game Creation Films
The Rev3games Documentary Reveals Secrets to Making Audio
Post-Sporting Event Documentaries
Post-Sporting Event Documentaries
The Olympic City Explores Life in Host Cities After the Games
Rowdy Rocker Documentaries
Rowdy Rocker Documentaries
The Rolling Stones Documentary Commemorates the Band’s 50th Anniv
Intimate Rapper Documentaries
Intimate Rapper Documentaries
The Barclay Center Documentary is Released on Jay-Z's Birthday
Inspirational Confessional Films
Inspirational Confessional Films
Two London Filmmakers Ask Strangers Their Deepest Darkest Secrets
Relationship Advising Documentaries
Relationship Advising Documentaries
52 Glue Films Reveals the Secrets of Successful Relationships
WWI-Cut Paper Documentaries
WWI-Cut Paper Documentaries
'And We Were Young' by Andy Smetanka Combines Beauty with Brutality
Award-Winning Kickstarter-Funded Films
Award-Winning Kickstarter-Funded Films
The Inocente Documentary Short Wins an Oscar
Hot Sauce Documentaries
Hot Sauce Documentaries
Sriracha the Movie Answers Burning Questions About the Famous Sauce
Sneaker Subculture Shorts
Sneaker Subculture Shorts
The Trashlab Documentary: Sneaker Collectors Explores Rare Shoe Finds
Olympic Sport Wildlife Commentary
Olympic Sport Wildlife Commentary
These Female Curlers Get Analyzed Like an Animal Documentary
Open Programming Documentary Series
Open Programming Documentary Series
'Hello World!' Explores Creative Options by Open Source Tools
Radical Cyclist Films
Radical Cyclist Films
Get Geared Up for Red Bull Race the Place with This Epic Documentary
Code-Based Interactive Documentaries
Code-Based Interactive Documentaries
The CLOUDS Documentary Lets You Narrate Your Own Story
Hometown Basketball Documentaries
Hometown Basketball Documentaries
This Jordan Brand Profile Looks at Carmelo Anthony's Hometown
Transitionary Morale Documentaries
Transitionary Morale Documentaries
Documentary Shows POVs on Interacting with Artificial Life
Album Art Creation Videos
Album Art Creation Videos
Danny Cook's Documentry Shows the Making of the John Mayer Album Artwork
Historic Shoemaking Films
Historic Shoemaking Films
The Dustin Cohen the Shoemaker Documentary Looks at Catalfumo
Distruption-Causing Success Stories
Distruption-Causing Success Stories
Ondi Timoner’s Total Disruption Series Humanizes Success
Minimalist Celebration Documentaries
Minimalist Celebration Documentaries
CRESTA Takes Pride in How Less is More
Olympic Consequence Videos
Olympic Consequence Videos
‘The Dark Side of the London Olympics’ Vice Documentary
Reclusive Cartoonist Documentaries (UPDATE)
Reclusive Cartoonist Documentaries (UPDATE)
Dear Mr. Watterson Explores Calvin and Hobbes' Impact
Digital Progression Documentaries
Digital Progression Documentaries
PBS Off Book Tracks 'The Evolution of 8-Bit Art'
Self-Image Beauty Films
Self-Image Beauty Films
Dove's Short Film ‘Selfie’ is Set to Debut at The Sundance Fil
Internet Survival Documentaries
Internet Survival Documentaries
Craigslist Joe is One Captivating Social Experiment
Funny Entrepreneur Mockumentaries
Funny Entrepreneur Mockumentaries
Cadbury 'Meme Myself and I' Series Launches on MTV Australia
Riveting Internet Activist Documentaries
Riveting Internet Activist Documentaries
The Aaron Sawrts Documentary Captivates Audiences at SXSW
Fashion House Documentaries
Fashion House Documentaries
Lady Dior Documentary Features Marion Cotillard and the Design Process
Dangerous Dancing Documentaries
Dangerous Dancing Documentaries
VICE Travel Series 'All the Wrong Places' Travels to Peru
Edgy Urban Cycling Films
Edgy Urban Cycling Films
The iBike Documentary Trailer Preps for the New Montreal Cyclist Film
Sushi-Centric Documentaries
Sushi-Centric Documentaries
'Jiro Dreams of Sushi' Follows World Renowned Sushi Chef Jiro Ono
Balloon Artwork Documentaries (UPDATE)
Balloon Artwork Documentaries (UPDATE)
The RedBall Project Turns Heads In the UK
Star Trek Fanatic Films
Star Trek Fanatic Films
The William Shatner Get A Life Documentary Boldly Goes Where No Other Has
Celebratory NBA Films
Celebratory NBA Films
The Dream Team Documentary Commemorates the Olympic Team's 20th Anniversary
Dilapidated Sea Documentaries
Dilapidated Sea Documentaries
The 'America's Dead Sea' Film Tracks the Salton Sea Decline
Bold HIV Awareness Campaigns
Bold HIV Awareness Campaigns
This Interactive Online Campaign Encourages Open Conversations on HIV
Powerful Baby Boomer Documentaries
Powerful Baby Boomer Documentaries
The Boomer Revolution Examines the Influential 60s Generation
Revolutionary Nature Documentaries
Revolutionary Nature Documentaries
Rob Stewart's Nature Documentary Predicts a Devastating Future
Tribal Quest Documentaries
Tribal Quest Documentaries
This BBC Film Capture the Evolution of Tribal Life in Africa
LEGO Artist Films
LEGO Artist Films
The LEGO Art Documentary is Informative and Captivating
Busking Culture Documentaries
Busking Culture Documentaries
The Busk Documentary Explores the Underground World of Buskers
Internet Ban Documentaries
Internet Ban Documentaries
'No Internet Week' Bans Digital Natives from Using the Internet
Intimate Graffiti Documentaries
Intimate Graffiti Documentaries
The Raphael Haddad In Bed with Invader Video is a Street-Art Must
3D Print Weaponry Documentaries
3D Print Weaponry Documentaries
The VICE Click.Print.Gun. Film Tracks the Future of Firearms