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Innovation Trends

Introduce yourself to a world of ingenuity and imagination with our comprehensive selection of videos presenting today’s most inspiring innovation keynote speakers. Discover the secrets behind the world’s most successful leaders of innovation in business, technology, design and science. This wide-ranging collection of innovation keynotes and innovation speakers offers expert advice and insightful tips from today’s top industry professionals.
Large-Scale Chinese Whisky Distilleries
Large-Scale Chinese Whisky Distilleries
China Is Taking On The Global Single Malt Whisky Industry
Chinese Single Malt Whisky was taken to another level on 18th February 2022, when the ground was broken and the foundation stone was laid for what is going to be China’s biggest single malt... MORE
play_circle_filled How Sleep Affects Your Emotions
How Sleep Affects Your Emotions
Matt Walker's Video is Part of TED's Sleeping with Science Series
‘How Sleep Affects Your Emotions’ is an informative video by Matt Walker, an award-winning sleep scientist, professor and author whose “research examines the impact of sleep on... MORE
play_circle_filled Sharing Unique Stories
Sharing Unique Stories
Aimée Eubanks Davis Shares How Your Unique Story Can Get You Hired
‘How your unique story can get you hired’ is an engaging and motivational TED talk by Aimée Eubanks Davis, founder and CEO of Braven. Braven is a platform offering “a scalable... MORE
play_circle_filled How to Make Faster Decisions
How to Make Faster Decisions
Patrick Mcginnis Shares the Dangers of the Fear of Better Options
Investor and writer Patrick McGinnis shares the secret to making faster decisions in his latest talk for TED. The talk is part of ‘The Way We Work,’ a series sponsored by Dropbox that... MORE
play_circle_filled Lessons From African-American Entrepreneurs
Lessons From African-American Entrepreneurs
A Look at Bloomberg's 'Building a Brand' Panel Talk
Bloomberg News and Bloomberg’s Black Professional Community hosted an immersive panel talk in New York during Black History Month of last year. Spotlighting lessons from African American... MORE
play_circle_filled Ocean Exploration Keynotes
Ocean Exploration Keynotes
Victor Vescovo Discusses His Trips to the Bottom of the Ocean
Victor Vescovo gave a keynote discussing traveling to the bottom of the ocean. Vescovo was the first person to reach the bottom of the Atlantic, as well as the Southern Ocean. He is also one of 12... MORE
play_circle_filled The Importance of Crop Diversity
The Importance of Crop Diversity
Esther Meduna Discusses the Need for Genetic Diversity of Food
Esther Meduna gave a keynote on the importance of the genetic diversity of food and the dangers of monocultures. Meduna studied botany in Zurich, and later joined to ProSpecieRara. She has extensive... MORE
play_circle_filled Bacteria Against Climate Change
Bacteria Against Climate Change
Morgan Vague's Talk on Plastic-Eating Bacteria Offers a Solution
Morgan Vague — a microbiologist who is focused on providing sustainable solutions to the impending realities of climate change, delivers a talk on plastic-eating bacteria that highlights a... MORE
AI Policy
Businesses are implimenting formal AI guidelines to ensure ethical workplace operations
Trend - Businesses across a variety of industries are debuting official artificial intelligence (AI) policies. These policies outline when and how AI should be used in workplaces to ensure that AI does not cause damage to the business in any way. This ensures AI is used optimally and productively.

Insight - Since the recent influx of highly utilizable AI tools in recent years, workers across numerous industries have looked to use AI to streamline workflow, improve efficiency, and more. These workers are in various levels of business, from entry-level to head office. This desire for efficiency causes many to overlook the potential harmful effects of AI, such as margin of error or ethical concerns. This created a need for many workplaces to launch formal AI policies to restrict usage.
Workshop Question - How could your company's workplace benefit from implementing formal AI guidelines?
play_circle_filled Personalizing Online Retail
Personalizing Online Retail
Nimisha Jain Shows How Businesses Can Improve Their Online Shopping
Although COVID-19 has greatly increased the pressure on businesses across all industries to provide improved digital shopping options, consumer expert Nimisha Jain shows that the process doesn’... MORE
play_circle_filled Leveraging Tech in the Black Community
Leveraging Tech in the Black Community
Stefan Grant Discusses The Need for More Diversity in Tech
Stefan Grant is the Co-founder & CEO of Noirbnb, “an accommodations, experiences provider and concierge service created for the African diaspora and other people of color.” The... MORE
Sleep-Improving Brain Wave Technology
Sleep-Improving Brain Wave Technology
The SOLTEC-SMS System Improves Deep Delta Sleep in Real Time
SOLTEC-SMS is a closed-loop sleep system engineered to analyze, record and condition your sleep and conscious state in real-time. By 2027, wrist wearables are projected to be a $52 billion... MORE
play_circle_filled The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer
The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer
Paco de Leon Speaks About Fusing Creativity and Work
‘The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer’ is an engaging TED talk by financial expert Paco de Leon. “Too often, freelancers are told they have to choose between being creative... MORE
play_circle_filled How Drinks Impact Sleep
How Drinks Impact Sleep
This Sleeping with Science Talk Explores Caffeine and Alcohol
A TED Talk series titled ‘Sleeping with Science’ explores sleep through a scientific lens, breaking down complicated matters into bite-sized videos that help one better understand the... MORE
play_circle_filled Improving Our Relationship with Money
Improving Our Relationship with Money
Thasunda Duckett Sparks an Honest Conversations About Saving
6 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Money is a new and engaging TED talk by Thasunda Duckett. The talk is part of the Way We Work, the platform’s Dropbox-sponsored original video series... MORE
play_circle_filled Space Traffic Monitoring
Space Traffic Monitoring
Moriba Jah Discusses the Importance of Monitoring Objects Moving in Space
Moriba Jah gave a keynote discussing the importance of monitoring space traffic. Jah is a space environmentalist and TED fellow. He also created ASTRIAGraph, which is a system that tracks and... MORE
play_circle_filled Local Reporting Databases
Local Reporting Databases
Gangadhar Patil Discusses Local Reporters Getting National Coverage
Gangadhar Patil gave a keynote on how he is helping local reporters create national news stories. Patil has a background as a journalist, and he runs 101Reporters which is a startup that has a... MORE
play_circle_filled Salt Repurposing Projects
Salt Repurposing Projects
Tina Arrowood Considers the Circular Salt Economy to Protect Fresh Water
Tna Arrowood’s keynote discusses the need for a circular salt economy, that protects rivers and freshwater sources. Tina Arrowood has a Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry and is a Principal... MORE
play_circle_filled Realistic Issues with AI Systems
Realistic Issues with AI Systems
Janelle Shane Considers the More Practical Dangers of AI
Janelle Shane is an AI researcher and looks at some of the potential dangers of AI systems. Shane is also the author of the book ‘You Look Like a Thing and I Love You: How AI Works and Why It&#... MORE
play_circle_filled Scientific Meat Alternatives
Scientific Meat Alternatives
Bruce Friedrich Spoke About a New Worldwide Agricultural Revolution
Bruce Friedrich gave a keynote about the necessities of an agricultural revolution on a global scale. Friedrich is a co-founder and executive director of The Good Food Institute, GFI, a non-profit... MORE
play_circle_filled Confronting the Plastic Problem
Confronting the Plastic Problem
Andrew Forrest's Talk Discusses an Economic Solution to Plastic
Entrepreneur Andrew Forrest—one of the top ten richest Australians and the former CEO of Fortescue Metals—confronts the plastic problem and how humanity’s misuse of it is leading... MORE
play_circle_filled Developing Internal AI Systems
Developing Internal AI Systems
Arnav Kapur Considers AI Devices That Can Augment Human Cognition
Arnav Kapur works on Internal AI systems at the MIT Media Lab, which has notably developed the AlterEgo device. AlterEgo is an AI assistant that is able to augment human cognition, due to its... MORE
play_circle_filled Functional Tattooing
Functional Tattooing
Carson Bruns' Keynote on Tattoos Boasts Possible Uses of Function-Forward Ink
Carson Bruns is a chemist and a visual artist who delivers an insightful keynote on tattoos. The talk reveals possible uses that will benefit the human agent. The speaker directs a laboratory, where... MORE
play_circle_filled Innovate Through Chaos, Crisis & Recession
Innovate Through Chaos, Crisis & Recession
Chaos Lessons from Jeremy Gutsche's Create The Future
Crisis and chaos are different stages, and what you will learn in this innovation keynote video is that chaos creates predictable opportunity.  In short, chaos shuffles the deck and switches... MORE
play_circle_filled How to Make Innovation Happen
How to Make Innovation Happen
Innovation Keynote Speaker Jeremy Gutsche's Best Speech
I’m excited to reveal my “best” innovation keynote speaker video so far, based on the ratings of my innovation keynotes at our last four Future Festival World Summits.  This... MORE