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30 Gen Z Social Good Innovations

From Inclusive Anti-Bullying Apps to Meat-Free Campus Clubs

— May 3, 2017 — Social Good
These Gen Z social good innovations range from youth-focused feminism conferences to anti-bullying apps that aim to put an end to unfair treatment at schools. In addition to a handful of toys that encourage inclusivity -- from body positive and cultural fashion dolls to dolls that dispel gender stereotypes -- other Gen Z social good innovations include empowering children's programs that expose girls to engineering and mathematics from a young age.

Charitable and eco-friendly Gen Z innovations are also on the rise, with examples like animal conservation museum programs, and child crowdfunding platforms gaining attention in recent months.

Additional standouts include multicultural children's festivals, and short films that retell a traditional fairytale in a way that is geared towards young LGBT audiences. Another notable example -- MTV's Snapchat sex education program -- encourages open communication among youth while sharing stories from young influencers who are not only approachable, but also honest.
LGBTQ Student Celebrations
LGBTQ Student Celebrations
Lavender Graduation Celebrates LGBTQ Student Accomplishments
Meat-Free Campus Clubs
Meat-Free Campus Clubs
The Vegetarian Club at Penn State Supports Those with Dietary Restrictions
Girl-Targeted Printing Programs
Girl-Targeted Printing Programs
This Northern Illinois University Program Supports Girls in STEM
Feminist Youth Conferences
Feminist Youth Conferences
Seattle's FemCon Endorses Female Empowerment Among Young Attendees
Multicultural Kid's Festivals
Multicultural Kid's Festivals
This Event Celebrates International Children's Day in Toronto
Empowering Tween Activity Groups
Empowering Tween Activity Groups
'Sole Girls' Brings Young Girls Together to Socialize and Train
LGBT-Friendly Fairy Tales
LGBT-Friendly Fairy Tales
Hulu's New Animated Short Tells the Story of an LGBT Heroine
Cafeteria Companionship Apps
Cafeteria Companionship Apps
The 'Sit With Us' App Helps Kids Avoid Having to Eat Lunch Alone
Adoptive Museum Programs
Adoptive Museum Programs
The Aquadopt Initiative Teaches Children About Wildlife Conservation
Teen Culture Platforms
Teen Culture Platforms
'MTV Voices' is a Platform with Youth-Targeted Pop Culture Content
Inclusive Anti-Bullying Apps
Inclusive Anti-Bullying Apps
'Sit With Us' Ensures That Kids Never Have to Eat Lunch Alone
Conscious Clothing Boxes
Conscious Clothing Boxes
For Each Subscription Purchased, Kidbox Donates Clothing to Kids in Need
Child Crowdfunding Platforms
Child Crowdfunding Platforms
Sow Plants Seeds When It Comes to Financial Literacy For Kids
Modern Fairy Tale Books
Modern Fairy Tale Books
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls Features Frida Kahlo & Serena Williams
Charitable Back-to-School Supplies
Charitable Back-to-School Supplies
The Whole Foods Market x PBS KIDS Campaign Benefits Young Minds
Kid Coding Camps
Kid Coding Camps
Apple Camp Now Offers 'Coding Games and Programming Robots' Course for Children
African Fashion Dolls
African Fashion Dolls
Momppy Mpoppy Dolls Give Young Girls a Fabulous Black Doll
Emoji-Decoding Challenges
Emoji-Decoding Challenges
GE is Launching #EmojiScience on Facebook Messenger
Gender-Neutral Playhouses
Gender-Neutral Playhouses
Smoby's 'Friends House' Includes Boys in Home-Centered Imaginary Play
Farming Kindergarten Programs
Farming Kindergarten Programs
Vo Trong Nghia Educates Children on Growing Their Own Food
Diverse Model-Made Dolls
Diverse Model-Made Dolls
Mala Bryan Created a Line of Dolls That Celebrate Black Beauty
Inclusive Boy-Focused Dolls
Inclusive Boy-Focused Dolls
The 'Melanites' Toy Company Creates Toys for Boys of Color
Empowering Kids Shows
Empowering Kids Shows
The 'Ready Jet Go!' Program Encourages Girls to Explore Careers in STEM
Social Good Selfie Walls
Social Good Selfie Walls
Cadillac Fairview is Launching 'Pledge Walls' for Back-to-School Season
Body-Positive Doll Collections
Body-Positive Doll Collections
The New Barbie Fashionistas Collection Features Diverse Body Types
Gender Neutral Toy Ads
Gender Neutral Toy Ads
This Toy Commercial Focuses on Eliminating Childhood Gender Stereotypes
Crowdsourced Fashion Magazines
Crowdsourced Fashion Magazines
WOMB is a Crowdsourced Magazine Created on VFILES' Platform
Transgender Doll Toys
Transgender Doll Toys
The Tonner Doll Company's 'Jazz' Doll is Based Off of Jazz Jennings
Eco Tween Fashion Kits
Eco Tween Fashion Kits
The Fashion Angels Garbage to Glam Upcycling Product Lineup is Interactive
Snapchat Sex Ed Shows
Snapchat Sex Ed Shows
MTV's First Snapchat Show is a Sex Ed Series Called 'Pants Off'