Insect repellents add an interactive component for consumer intrigue
Implications - While products like insect repellents provide consumers with a straight-forward method of protection, troublesome application often prevents consumers from adopting such products into their lifestyle. Seeking to make the process more enjoyable, brands are adding components of play and interaction to make repellents more gratifying for the consumer. Integrating repellents into arts and crafts and motorcycle accessories, brands are using unexpected activities to bring an element of surprise and delight to the process. The use of such interactive components suggest a growing consumer need for entertainment, even when it comes to one’s health.
Workshop Question - How can your brand enhance the experience of necessary but inconvenient aspects of life?
Trend Themes
1. Gamification of Health Products - Brands are adding play and interaction to health products to appeal to consumers.
2. Autonomous Technology for Health Monitoring - Technology like drone and gene sequencing is being used for early detection of health issues.
3. Innovative Use of Natural Insect Repellents - Designers are exploring new and compelling ways to use natural repellents for insects.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - Innovative and playful methods attract consumers towards health and wellness products.
2. Technology - Autonomous technology is being used for effective prevention and disease control, creating new opportunities in monitoring.
3. Product Design and Development - The innovative use of natural insect repellents opens up new possibilities for designers and brands to create unique products.