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Jeremy Gutsche
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The Calagary Sun: Jeremy Gutsche Profiled

— November 7, 2009 — About
Born and raised Calgarian and Trend Hunter Founder, Jeremy Gutsche is used to the spotlight when it comes to his Exploiting Chaos keynote, so it is no surprise that the Calgary Sun was blown away by one of his most recent presentations.

Check out the outstanding review below to find out what makes Gutsche’s keynotes so phenomenal.

Calgarian bucking global Trend

By Kelly Doody

If Calgary has produced one noteworthy mover-shaker-idea-maker in the last 30 years—a guy whose message has grand global applications for today’s frantic, economically disastrous, lightning-speed world—it is Jeremy Gutsche.

Calgary born and raised, Bishop Carroll high school and University of Calgary grad, Gutsche is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers on the planet, well-regarded as the top trend-spotter in the world, and 31-year-old founder of a website that boasts 10 million monthly views—

It was with shock and delight I opened my e-mail last week to his online magazine’s weekly delivery of trendy tidbits only to discover he would soon be speaking in Calgary.

Turns out his Queens University MBA alma mater has a local chapter of active alums who are as enthralled with this infectious, groundbreaking computer geek’s existence as I am. And I’m talking the kind of geek we all wish we could hang out with.

Say what you want about Sig Gutsche’s son having been handed a rather sweet silver-spoon starting point, but after seeing his Wednesday night presentation at the Petroleum Club, I’d go way out on that favourite limb of mine and say it was the most energizing, inspiring and applicable piece of stand-up I have ever seen.

And I’ve heard Bill Clinton speak, listened to enough Bill Gates on YouTube and sat through my fair share of Tony Robbins CDs.

What Calgary’s very own Jeremy Gutsche has to say is from a different realm entirely, leaving anyone within earshot champing at the bit to go out and conquer the world in this crazy time of unbridled opportunity—this era of recession.

Check out his site or pour over his new book Exploiting Chaos. But whatever you do, don’t assume great things can’t come from times of economic downturn.
Trend Themes
1. Global Trend-spotting - Opportunity to provide businesses with valuable insights into emerging trends and market opportunities worldwide.
2. Energizing Keynote Presentations - Opportunity to deliver impactful and inspiring presentations that leave audiences motivated and ready to take on new challenges.
3. Exploring Unbridled Opportunity - Opportunity to capitalize on the potential for innovation and success during times of economic downturn.
Industry Implications
1. Market Research - Disruptive innovation opportunity in developing advanced trend-spotting algorithms and tools for businesses to stay ahead of emerging market trends.
2. Professional Speaking - Disruptive innovation opportunity in creating engaging and energizing keynote presentations that help organizations thrive and adapt to changing market conditions.
3. Publishing - Disruptive innovation opportunity in producing informative books and content that inspire individuals and businesses to explore and exploit new opportunities during economic downturns.