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Encrypted Ballot

Blockchain technology is applied to voting for increased transparency

Implications - While blockchain technology is still in its infancy, its application in voting means that we can almost guarantee security while allowing for increased participation for remote legally registered voters. With electoral fraud being highly scrutinized as of late, blockchain technology has the potential to provide a foundation where institutions can work to restore faith in electoral systems, and could contribute to more accessible voting processes.
Workshop Question - How might the guaranteed security of blockchain technology impact your industry?
Trend Themes
1. Blockchain Voting Systems - With increasing attention to electoral fraud, the application of blockchain technology to voting could provide a foundation to restore faith in electoral systems and contribute to more accessible voting processes.
2. Transparent Blockchain Voting Solutions - The use of blockchain technology in the Agora digital voting system and other similar platforms improves the procedure of voting, ensuring that the entire voting process is transparent and verifiable.
3. Blockchain Voting Apps - Blockchain-secured voting apps like the one being trialed by the state of West Virginia guarantee the security of voting processes, making it possible for absentee voters to participate in the democratic process.
Industry Implications
1. Governmental Elections - The application of blockchain technology in voting systems has the disruptive innovation potential to guarantee more transparent and accessible voting systems.
2. Stock Market - The use of blockchain technology in stock markets ensures that information cannot be tampered with, providing a more certain final count when it comes to shareholder voting.
3. Online Security - With the increasing importance of online security, the use of blockchain technology provides a new level of convenience and insurance for online activities like voting.
4 Featured, 31 Examples:
25,517 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 16 — Apr 18

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