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Creativity Trends

Unlock your inner creativity and imagination by watching our collection of the world’s brightest creativity keynote speakers. Our videos feature presentations from top industry creativity speakers in the world of business, education, technology, healthcare, media and more. The diverse variety of creativity keynote presentations reveals the limitless opportunity to spark imagination across all industries.
play_circle_filled The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer
The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer
Paco de Leon Speaks About Fusing Creativity and Work
‘The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer’ is an engaging TED talk by financial expert Paco de Leon. “Too often, freelancers are told they have to choose between being creative... MORE
play_circle_filled Stopping Remote Work Burnout
Stopping Remote Work Burnout
Morra Aarons-Mele's TED Talk Shares 3 Steps to Stop Burnout
Podcast host and writer Morra Aarons-Mele shares 3 steps to stop remote work burnout in her latest TED talk. The talk is part of ‘The Way We Work,’ a series sponsored by Dropbox... MORE
play_circle_filled Lessons From African-American Entrepreneurs
Lessons From African-American Entrepreneurs
A Look at Bloomberg's 'Building a Brand' Panel Talk
Bloomberg News and Bloomberg’s Black Professional Community hosted an immersive panel talk in New York during Black History Month of last year. Spotlighting lessons from African American... MORE
play_circle_filled The Future of Work
The Future of Work
Work Culture Keynote Speaker Jaime Neely on the Evolution of Workplaces
Work culture keynote speaker Jaime Neely is a firm believer that regardless of whether you’re a junior employee or a CEO, your work environment will have a major impact on your non-work life.... MORE
play_circle_filled The Future of Marketing
The Future of Marketing
Marketing Trend Keynote Speaker Gil Haddi on Today's Best Ad Practices
According to Gil Haddi, a Trend Hunter Futurist and marketing trend keynote speaker, traditional marketing no longer exists. What used to be a relatively cut and dried practice has become far more... MORE
play_circle_filled The Future of Innovation
The Future of Innovation
Innovation Tactics Keynote Speaker Jonathon Brown on Idea Adoption Paths
According to innovation tactics keynote speaker Jonathon Brown, having a great idea is no longer enough. It’s easy to fall prey to the assumption that if we come up with a good enough idea,... MORE
play_circle_filled The Subtle Art of Slow Multitasking
The Subtle Art of Slow Multitasking
Tim Harford's Talk on Slow Multitasking Boasts Famous Examples
The speaker who delivers this highly inspirational talk on slow multitasking is Tim Harford—a journalist, broadcaster, and economist who has taken over the Undercover Economist column for the... MORE
play_circle_filled Advancing 'Team Human'
Advancing 'Team Human'
Douglas Rushkoff's Talk on the Digital Apocalypse is Incredibly Hopeful
Celebrated media theorist and digital futurist Douglas Rushkoff delivers a talk on the digital apocalypse that is eye-opening and motivational. The speaker begins his keynote with a personal anecdote.... MORE
Menstrual Campaigning
Brands campaign for policies addressing women's concerns in the workplace
Trend - Brands and charitable orgs are addressing how women's health can impact their employment. These brands are raising awareness about how PMS and menopause symptoms can impact one's ability to work, and campaigning for policies (like paid leave) that address this concern.

Insight - Brands are addressing gender discrimination through updated hiring practices, maternity leave, education, and pay equity. However, some of the challenges women face in the workforce are less outwardly visible--but have a significant impact nonetheless. Menstruation and menopause symptoms can impact performance and cause unintended gender gaps at work. Brands that address these concerns with paid leave and extended benefits create more supportive and (therefore productive) workplaces.
Workshop Question - How could your brand create a more supportive and equitable working environment?
play_circle_filled Leveraging Tech in the Black Community
Leveraging Tech in the Black Community
Stefan Grant Discusses The Need for More Diversity in Tech
Stefan Grant is the Co-founder & CEO of Noirbnb, “an accommodations, experiences provider and concierge service created for the African diaspora and other people of color.” The... MORE
play_circle_filled Scientifically Falling Out of Love
Scientifically Falling Out of Love
Artist Dessa Discuses an Unconventional Approach to Heartbreak
Dessa, a rapper and writer from the hip hop collective called ‘Doomtree,’ gave a talk about her unconventional approach to heartbreak. She discusses her music’s trend focusing on... MORE
play_circle_filled Essential Oil Inhalers
Essential Oil Inhalers
Kiff Offers the Benefits of Essential Oils to Help Quit Smoking Naturally
Kiff is a wooden essential oil inhaler created by Slovenia partners Matej and Žan. The pair worked to create a healthier alternative to many of the current systems on the market that overly relies... MORE
play_circle_filled Giant Steel Monster Sculpture
Giant Steel Monster Sculpture
The Kraken Sculpture by Oskar Zięta Resembles a Giant Squid
Oskar Zięta, a Polish artist and designer creates inflatable steel sculptures and design pieces. This year he gave life to a zoomorphic structure resembling a giant squid. Public sculpture... MORE
play_circle_filled Coping With Creative Writing
Coping With Creative Writing
Sakinah Hofler Explores Writing as a Way to Get Through Tough Times
‘How creative writing can help you through life’s hardest moments’ is a thoughtful and inspiring TED talk by writer Sakinah Hofler. Hofler “makes the case for writing as a... MORE
play_circle_filled Burnout's Impact on Creativity
Burnout's Impact on Creativity
Rahaf Harfoush Shows How Constant Productivity Decreases Creativity
As many are expected to keep working remotely into the new year, the pressure to always be productive is always on, especially at a time when remote workers aren’t able to divide their... MORE
play_circle_filled The Power of Courageous Expression
The Power of Courageous Expression
Actor Ethan Hawke Delivered a Talk on Creativity for TED
In an inspired talk on creativity, famed actor, writer, and director Ethan Hawke considers the power that unhindered self expression can have on an individual and the people that they surround... MORE
play_circle_filled How Drawing Can Set You Free
How Drawing Can Set You Free
Artist Shantell Martin
This virtual TED talk by artist Shantell Martin explores how being at home has impacted individuals’ view of themselves and others. Speaking about the recent changes brought on by the COVID-19... MORE
play_circle_filled Astrophysics Earthly Applications
Astrophysics Earthly Applications
Federica Bianco Outlines How Astrophysics Can Help Urban Science
Federica Bianco gave a keynote about how astrophysics methodologies can be applied to solve problems related to urban science. Bianco is a professor of astrophysics, and she studies stellar... MORE
play_circle_filled Discovering the Origin of Life
Discovering the Origin of Life
Tara Djokic's Discovery Suggests an Alternative Evolution of Life
The origin of life has been widely debated and theorized about throughout history. Scientists now know that the Earth is 4.2 billion years old and the only system we know that can support life—... MORE
play_circle_filled Tourette's as an Art Form
Tourette's as an Art Form
Jess Thom's Talk on Tourette's Boasts the Condition's Creative Potential
Jess Thom—a comedian, an artist and the founder of Touretteshero, delivers an astonishing talk on Tourette’s that addresses common misconceptions about the condition and reveals the... MORE
play_circle_filled Improving Executive Brain Function
Improving Executive Brain Function
Sabine Doebel's Talk on Executive Function Breaks a Common Myth
Sabine Doebel’s talk on executive function is quite interesting as it reveals a common myth and contradicts it. The speaker is a cognitive scientist with a Ph.D. from the Institute of Child... MORE
play_circle_filled Functional Tattooing
Functional Tattooing
Carson Bruns' Keynote on Tattoos Boasts Possible Uses of Function-Forward Ink
Carson Bruns is a chemist and a visual artist who delivers an insightful keynote on tattoos. The talk reveals possible uses that will benefit the human agent. The speaker directs a laboratory, where... MORE
play_circle_filled Connecting Families from Prison
Connecting Families from Prison
Alan Crickmore's Talk on Prison Expands on the Impact on Families
Alan Crickmore is an audio and video editor that is currently affiliated with ‘Storybook Dads’ and his talk on prison outlines the impacts of an imprisoned parent on children’s... MORE
play_circle_filled How to Make Innovation Happen
How to Make Innovation Happen
Innovation Keynote Speaker Jeremy Gutsche's Best Speech
I’m excited to reveal my “best” innovation keynote speaker video so far, based on the ratings of my innovation keynotes at our last four Future Festival World Summits.  This... MORE
play_circle_filled The Art of Smell
The Art of Smell
Caro Verbeek Delivers a Talk on Smell That Focuses on Art and History
Caro Verbeek is a historian, with a focus on art, who delivers a TED talk on smell. The keynote is informative and engages the audiences with opportunities for participation. The speaker delivers a... MORE