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Ceremonial Consumerism

Consumers are drawn to practices rooted in ritual and mysticism

Implications - In an effort to engage in more wellness-driven practices, some consumers are increasingly drawn to what were once New-Age practices for their elements of ritual and spirituality. The growing interest in ritual-based practices like meditation and witchcraft in North America comes as many consumers face excess and uncertainty in their daily lives, which is coupled with their increased prioritization of self-care.
Workshop Question - How can your brand incorporate elements of ritual into your offering?
Trend Themes
1. Ritual-based Practices - Consumers are drawn to ritual-based practices like meditation and witchcraft in North America.
2. Customization - Allowing consumers to co-create their products creates engagement with the audience and lasting fans.
3. Mysticism Inspiration - Personal care and beauty brands are drawing inspiration from the world of magic with bath products branded as potions and similar ritual boxes.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness Industry - Businesses in this industry can offer ritual-based products that promote better mind-body well-being.
2. Personal Care and Beauty Industry - These businesses can draw inspiration from the world of magic to offer unique and symbolic personal care products.
3. Technology Industry - Collaborations between technology brands like Google and artists can allow consumers to customize their accessories and create engagement with the audience.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
67,811 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 17 — Nov 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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