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16 Examples of Business Communities

From Creative Community Co-ops to Community Design Websites

— October 31, 2014 — Social Good
Companies that champion social good know what they're doing when it comes to developing engaging, collaborative business communities.

These communities are specifically designed to promote entrepreneurship and interaction, both internally and externally. For instance, the Roco is a creative community co-op space that's so effective, it will no doubt be replacing typical offices in order to better encourage creativity, innovation and enthusiastic team building.

These business communities aren't limited to the physical realm, either. They can also exist, and have great benefit, online. 199Jobs, for example, is a task-outsourcing website that operates similar to Fiverr, except that it focuses on the quick and easy exchange of digital work and services. Developing tight-knit, focused business communities will soon become an integral part of any organization.
Community Design Websites
Community Design Websites
GreaterPlaces is a Place to Discover Social Solutions for City Living
Mission-Made Communities
Mission-Made Communities
The Social Venture Network Brings People Together in the Name of Good
Collaborative Workshop Non-Profits
Collaborative Workshop Non-Profits
The Impact Lab was Designed to Connect Various Sectors
Business Leadership Supports
Business Leadership Supports
Social Venture Network India Provides Peer-to-Peer Opportunities
Entrepreneurship-Connecting Spaces
Entrepreneurship-Connecting Spaces
Impact Hub Boston Brings People Together for Impactful Change
Transparent Crowdsourced Startups
Transparent Crowdsourced Startups
Agora is a Democratic & Online Community-Based Beverage Company
Social Enterprise Lending Websites
Social Enterprise Lending Websites
Buzzbnk is a Peer-to-Peer Crowdfunding Platform for the UK
Young Changemaker Collaboratives
Young Changemaker Collaboratives
The Social Entrepreneurship Evolution Supports Societal Catalysts
Empowering Networking Pages
Empowering Networking Pages
The New Barbie LinkedIn Profile Encourages Female Entrepreneurs
Creative Community Co-ops
Creative Community Co-ops
The Roco is an Innovative and Collaborative Space for Both Work and Play
Professional Networking Apps
Professional Networking Apps
LinkedIn's Connected App Strengthens Business Relationships
Online Educational Communities
Online Educational Communities
OneClass is a Startup Focused on Getting Students Better Grades
Community Pizza Shops
Community Pizza Shops
Michael Lastoria Discusses &Pizza; For the Millennial Entrepreneur Forum
Social Entrepreneur Coworking Spaces
Social Entrepreneur Coworking Spaces
'co.lab' is a New Venture in the Philippines
Task-Outsourcing Sites
Task-Outsourcing Sites
Tech Job Site 199Jobs Helps You Complete Tasks for Just a Few Dollars
Californian Co-Working Spaces
Californian Co-Working Spaces
Impact Hub Oakland Fosters Social Entrepreneurship