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Books Trends

The world of literature is constantly adapting to the ever-changing interests of consumers. Providing the latest ideas in novel adaptations, print technology and learning tactics, Trend Hunter’s books category offers great insight into the world of reading and entertainment.
Affordable Manga Subscriptions
Affordable Manga Subscriptions
VIZ Manga Releases Simultaneously With Japan at $2 Monthly
VIZ Manga is a new subscription service that releases manga issues on the exact same day that the manga releases in Japan, which is a novelty in the North American manga industry. This new service... MORE
Book Vending Machines
Book Vending Machines
The Cornwall Public Library Installed a Book Kiosk Machine with 150 Books
The Cornwall Public Library installed a book vending machine in the Benson Centre, a recreation and community center in Cornwall, Ontario. An RFID tag identifies each book in the machine. Visitors... MORE
Top 90 Business Trends in March
Top 90 Business Trends in March
From Modular Parking Pods to Solar Powered Beauty Stores
The March 2021 business trends are full of progressive ways that companies are re-routing or introducing to their respective audiences. Many products and services cater to better functions... MORE
Top 100 Business Trends in July
Top 100 Business Trends in July
From Fully Automated Pizzerias to Hotel Pivoted Restaurant Rooms
This list of July 2020 business trends explore many ways that companies are coping with the economic circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many brands are pivoting strategies to cater to... MORE
Top 100 Business Trends in May
Top 100 Business Trends in May
From In-Store Occupancy Monitors to No-Contact Shopper Initatives
The wide range of May 2020 business trends showcase the many ways that brands across multiple industries are coping with current circumstances. The main focus of these trends spotlights the mind and... MORE
Thematic Contemporary Magazines
Thematic Contemporary Magazines
Highsnobiety Launches 'HIGHStyle,' a New In-Print Venture
‘HIGHStyle’ is the name of the first issue of beloved contemporary street culture website Highsbobiety’s new venture. The publication is intended to be “a space of creative... MORE
Political Coloring Books
Political Coloring Books
This Coloring Book Depicts Almost All Democratic Presidential Candidates
A new interactive political coloring and activity book was released just in time for the Iowa Caucus. Available on the Amazon platform, the publication is quite robust, with “60 pages of... MORE
Unconventionally Designed Bookstores
Unconventionally Designed Bookstores
Trace Architecture Office's Design Boasts Old & New Elements
Trace Architecture Office has completed the design for a bookshop and cafe. The hybrid establishment is located in the Fuijian province, on the outskirts of Xiadi Village. The building has an... MORE
AI Co-Parent
AI-based parenting apps help families proactively monitor wellbeing and development
Trend - AI-based support apps for parents of infants and young children are being used for skill development, mental health, and/or health monitoring. These programs offer a proactive approach to supporting child development and help parents collect data in cases that require intervention.

Insight - Using tech to monitor and prioritize skill-building is especially helpful for caregivers with children who have mental or physical disabilities, behavioral challenges, or are displaying symptoms of illness. These smart solutions add an additional layer of support to the parenting process, offer important information for medical personnel if needed, and generally take some of the pressure off for busy parents with multiple priorities on top of childcare.
Workshop Question - How could your brand use AI to simplify its customers' day-to-day?
Cheese Expert Guide Books
Cheese Expert Guide Books
'Madame Fromage's Adventures in Cheese' is Educational and Informative
‘Madame Fromage’s Adventures in Cheese’ is an engaging and informative book by cheese expert, influencer and food blogger Tenaya Darlington. Madame Fromage takes readers on a... MORE
Inspiring Bookstore Posters
Inspiring Bookstore Posters
Eureka! Bookstore Encourages Imagination
A new print ad for Eureka! bookstore reminds the viewer that while traveling is cancelled, one’s imagination can still offer an escape. Most consumers are experiencing the travel bug. With... MORE
Annoying Interaction Survival Books
Annoying Interaction Survival Books
The Jackass Whisperer Cover 125 Different "Types of Jackasses"
Coming into contact with people you dislike is an inevitable aspect of life, and those looking for tips on how to deal with those frustrating scenarios should equip themselves with The Jackass... MORE
Matchmaking Book Discovery Apps
Matchmaking Book Discovery Apps
This App Lets Users Swipe Through Personalized Book Suggestions
The swipe-based interface has proven hugely popular with dating apps, but a new app called ‘Booky Call’ uses the system for a different kind of matchmaking that revolves around book... MORE
Create the Future Book Wins Gold Medal
Create the Future Book Wins Gold Medal
Find Your Opportunity in Times of Chaos
The next few years are going to be one of the most exciting creative period in modern history!  The Roaring 20s emerged from the Spanish Flu.  The Renaissance Period Emerged from the Black... MORE
Ghosting-Free E-Readers
Ghosting-Free E-Readers
Bigme's S6 Color+ Uses a 12Hz Screen to Eliminate Page Ghosting
The S6 Color+ is a color e-ink tablet that offers a 7.8-inch display with a resolution of 1872 x 1404 pixels for black and white content and 624 x 468 pixels for color content. It uses the latest... MORE
Cheese Board Tutorial Books
Cheese Board Tutorial Books
'That Cheese Plate Will Change Your Life' Highlights DIY Creations
‘That Cheese Plate Will Change Your Life’ is a DIY cheese board book that spotlights Brooklyn based founder, entrepreneur, food stylist, and best-selling author Marissa Mullen’s... MORE
Architecture-Centric Queer Atlases
Architecture-Centric Queer Atlases
The Queer Spaces Book Collects 90 LGBT+ Spaces Around the World
The recently released Queer Spaces book acts as a helpful atlas for different LGBT+ spaces around the world. The publication was debuted by RIBA Publishing and its official title is ‘Queer... MORE
Comprehensive Humor-Based Toolkits
Comprehensive Humor-Based Toolkits
'Humor, Seriously' is a New Digital Learning Kit for Workplaces
‘Humor, Seriously’ is a new comprehensive humor-based toolkit for digital workplace learning that encourages workplaces to be less serious while being equal or greater in efficiency.... MORE
Book Award AI Programs
Book Award AI Programs
Book Award Pro Uses AI to Search Through 2600 Awards
Now, you can leverage AI to wade through 2600+ book award contests to pinpoint the best ones to enter. The Book Award Pro service starts with an author questionnaire that gathers information such... MORE
Forward-Thinking Workplace Books
Forward-Thinking Workplace Books
Jacob Morgan Released His Latest Book: The Future Leader
The working world is constantly evolving, and while all business leaders think they have what it takes to grow at an equally rapid pace, many do not. This is a topic Jacob Morgan addresses in his... MORE
Multimedia Content Experience Partnerships
Multimedia Content Experience Partnerships
Sports Illustrated Partners with the Hockey News
The Hockey News and Sports Illustrated announced last month that they will be joining forces to supercharge their content by offering “a dynamic, multimedia experience for consumers across... MORE
Create the Future (New Book)
Create the Future (New Book)
Plus The Innovation Handbook - Tactics for Disruptive Thinking
I’m thrilled to announce my new double-sided book, Create the Future + The Innovation Handbook - Tactics for Disruptive Thinking.  The 360 page guide is loaded with tactics, tools and... MORE
play_circle_filled Actress-Written Children's Books
Actress-Written Children's Books
Sulwe Teaches Acceptance Through Representation and Positivity
In the new children’s book Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o, the titular character Sulwe embarks on a journey of self-acceptance and celebration. The little girl with skin the “color of... MORE
Post-COVID Workplace E-Books
Post-COVID Workplace E-Books
Tools and insights for businesses to get back to the office
To help businesses steer a course towards a safe, prosperous workplace post-COVID, Condeco Software, a worldwide leader in workspace technology solutions, has created a free e-Book to give all the... MORE
Chaos Webinar Series
Chaos Webinar Series
Jeremy Gutsche Launches a Free 5-Part Series on Innovating Through Chaos
On May 19th, 2020, Trend Hunter’s CEO Jeremy Gutsche will kick off a 5-part chaos webinar series. The COVID-19 era has impacted seemingly every industry, and with so much uncertainty it’... MORE