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Automated Chef

Brands are releasing AI-powered cooking devices for the home kitchen

Trend - Just a few years after AI-powered chefs debuted in numerous restaurant pilots, brands are now adapting this technology to the home kitchen. These cooking devices help ensure consistency in cooking while making the process more efficient due to their advanced AI.

Insight - Luxury consumers favor convenience and automation in the home as time-saving measures, rather than cost-saving ones. These consumers have extra money they are willing to spend to make their busy lives easier, leading to fully-equipped smart homes or appliances on timers. One area these strive for more automation in is the kitchen. Previously, these consumers would hire personal human chefs if they did not enjoy cooking themselves. Brands are filling this luxe gap through the use of AI.
Workshop Question - How could your brand repurpose industrial AI tools for the benefit of the home consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Ai-powered Cooking Devices for At-home Use - The trend towards AI-powered cooking devices for at-home use helps consumers, especially luxurious ones, achieve convenience and efficiency in their cooking, which creates possibilities for the development of multipurpose kitchen gadgets and more automated cooking processes.
2. Versatile and Intelligent Kitchen Robots - The increasingly intelligent kitchen robots provide versatile, hands-free, and personalized cooking experiences for users in commercial and domestic kitchens, creating opportunities for appliances with automation capabilities.
3. Countertop-friendly Cooking Devices with AI Technology - Devices like the Kitchen Idea KODY 29 use AI technology and a friendly display to make cooking simpler and more approachable for home cooks; this trend, which is likely to embrace even more innovative techniques and cooking styles, creates opportunities for more appliances that prioritize convenience, recipe guidance, and easy cleaning.
Industry Implications
1. Home Appliances Industry - The home appliances industry can tap into the trend toward AI-powered kitchen gadgets for at-home use and develop multipurpose kitchen devices with automation capabilities.
2. Hospitality Industry - The hospitality industry can leverage intelligent and versatile kitchen robots in commercial kitchens to achieve an efficient and personalized cooking experience that caters to specific customer needs.
3. Smart Technology Industry - The smart technology industry can promote the use of AI-powered cooking devices with a guide to convenience and efficiency in domestic kitchens by prioritizing easy-to-use technology with an adorable and user-friendly design.
4 Featured, 33 Examples:
36,968 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 23 — Jun 23
This Quarter and Warm

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