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Top 65 Social Media Trends in April

From Piggyback Travel Services to YouTuber Lifestyle Networks

— April 26, 2015 — Social Media
The April 2015 social media ideas indicate brands are continuing to leverage digital strategies to engage with their audiences and apps are integrating social features as a standard function.

There is no shortage of innovative April 2015 social media campaigns. The hashtag is still a powerful tool for companies not only trying to engage customers in a conversation, but to actually initiate services. This goes a step beyond contest entry. Branded Instagram meetups also allow loyalists to meet in real life while having fun and even doing something good for the community or the world. This can be seen with Socality's gatherings benefiting Charity:Water.

Social photography apps continue to flood the market, with an array of interesting editing features. They often attempt to enable their users to share content in new ways.
Nostalgic Social Media Features
Nostalgic Social Media Features
Facebook On This Day Lets People View Date-Specific Posts
Social Matchmaking Apps
Social Matchmaking Apps
Callia's Wine Marketing Stunt Turns Facebook Friends into Lovers
Event-Notifying Features
Event-Notifying Features
Facebook Subscription Allows People to Follow Events Section of Fan Pages
Missing Persons Search Bars
Missing Persons Search Bars
'Help Find Me' is a Campaign That Takes to the Net to Find People
Athletic Festival Meetups
Athletic Festival Meetups
RunHaven and Brooks are Organizing a 5K and 10K for Runners at SXSW
Merged Photo Apps
Merged Photo Apps
Instagram Layout is the Platform's Newest Photo Collaging App
Social Author Events
Social Author Events
This YA Writer-Centric Author Q&A is Taking Place Solely on Twitter
YouTube Networking Events
YouTube Networking Events
Rooster Teeth's RT Community Day Promotes Industry and Fan Connections
Photo Collage Apps
Photo Collage Apps
Layout by Instagram Lets Users Get Creative with Their Images
Purchasing Chat Apps
Purchasing Chat Apps
Facebook's Businesses on Messenger Expands the Social Service
Idling Smartphone Medical Apps
Idling Smartphone Medical Apps
This Swedish Medical App Works While Your Phone is Sleeping
Social Media Curation Apps
Social Media Curation Apps
The Hushbook App Lets You Unfollow Facebook Friends By Swiping
Feline Dating Campaigns
Feline Dating Campaigns
This Canadian Cat Rescue Association Used Tinder for 'Catfishing'
Social Reading Campaigns
Social Reading Campaigns
Empik's Literacy Campaign Gives Away Free Book Chapters on Instagram
Social Media Analytic Services
Social Media Analytic Services
Analyze Words Reveals What Your Twitter Account Says About You
Potluck Planning Platforms
Potluck Planning Platforms
The Feastly Peer-to-Peer Sharing Community Organizes Dinner Parties
Touchscreen Travel Collages
Touchscreen Travel Collages
On Broadway Collects Data from Social Media on the Best of NYC
Social Media Sports Streams
Social Media Sports Streams
Facebook Will Livestream March Madness Festivities from SXSW 2015
Piggyback Travel Services
Piggyback Travel Services
Zang's Piggyback Rides Show Off the Power of Its Caffeinated Chocolate
Conference App Chats
Conference App Chats
SXSW Social Media is Booming with the Use of FireChat's New Features
Cyber Bullying PSAs
Cyber Bullying PSAs
Kids Read Mean Tweets Plays off of Jimmy Kimmel's Celebrity Segment
Heart-Sharing Campaigns
Heart-Sharing Campaigns's Health Social Media Campaign Encourages Users to Share Likes
Female-Focused Drinking Apps
Female-Focused Drinking Apps
Drinki Trades Social Check-Ins for Complimentary Drinks
Life-Saving Social Campaigns
Life-Saving Social Campaigns
The Red Cross' Like for Life Uses Instagram to Demonstrate CPR
Live Streamed Keynotes
Live Streamed Keynotes
Jeremy Gutsche's SXSW Book Launch is One of the First Keynotes on Meerkat
Crowdfunded Skateparks
Crowdfunded Skateparks
This Crowdfunding Effort Hopes to Build the Parasite DIY Skatepark in NOLA
Reposition Reality
Reposition Reality
Jeremy Gutsche's Newest Book Advocates That You Have the Power to Create Change
Social Clout Digital Displays
Social Clout Digital Displays
The Fbox Allows Businesses to Show Off Their Facebook Success
Digital Art Anthologies
Digital Art Anthologies
The Super-Modified Book From Behance is a Special Collection
Simplistic Sharing Apps
Simplistic Sharing Apps
The Viggo App Lets You Throw Content to Share With Everyone in the Area
Retrospective Footwear Campaigns
Retrospective Footwear Campaigns
Clarks' WhatsApp Marketing Campaign Shares Brand History
Local Socialization Apps
Local Socialization Apps
In Partnership with Austin Blogs, Qork is the Ultimate SXSW Guide
Exploratory Social Campaigns
Exploratory Social Campaigns
Biskrem's Interactive Instagram Experience is a Social Adventure
Decentralized Social Networks
Decentralized Social Networks
Synereo Will Use Peer-to-Peer Networking To Foster Interaction
Social Media Supper Hosts
Social Media Supper Hosts
Cookening Brings Strangers Together to Eat Dinner at the Same Table
Live Broadcasting Apps
Live Broadcasting Apps Combines Chat Messaging and Livestreaming Content
Potato Chip Cookbooks
Potato Chip Cookbooks
The Lay's Wavy Brand and Brit + Co Are Teaming Up with Pinterest
Faithful Community Collectives
Faithful Community Collectives
Socality Leverages Social Media to Create Local Community Groups
Location-Based Messaging Apps
Location-Based Messaging Apps
FlashChat Lets Users Communicate Anonymously at SXSW 2015
Doodled Lunch Campaigns
Doodled Lunch Campaigns
PopChips UK's Interactive Online Campaign Makes Lunches Exciting
Attractive Coffee-Drinking Accounts
Attractive Coffee-Drinking Accounts
This Instagram Feed Features Pictures of Hot Men and Coffee
Revolutionary Live Streaming Apps
Revolutionary Live Streaming Apps
The Periscope App Lets You Stream Video To Your Followers
Webcam Chat Videos
Webcam Chat Videos
JacksGap Skype Documentary Features Unique Users of the Communication Platform
Mobile Meal-Sharing Communities
Mobile Meal-Sharing Communities
A Dinner Party App Brings Neighbors Together for Home-Cooked Food
Gamified Map Hacks
Gamified Map Hacks
The Google Maps Pac-Man Cheat Transform the App into the Classic Game
Social Network E-Commerce
Social Network E-Commerce
The Facebook Payment Feature is Set to Launch
Startup Networking Apps
Startup Networking Apps
Lunchcruit Builds Professional Connections Through Sit-Down Meals
Cityscape Car Campaigns
Cityscape Car Campaigns
Toyota's 'Go Fun Yourself' Campaign Features a Huge City Illustration
Temporary Streaming Apps
Temporary Streaming Apps
The Meerkat App Brings Live-Streaming Video to Twitter
Bearded Matchmaking Research
Bearded Matchmaking Research
These Gillette Dating Statistics Take Advantage of Tinder's Big Data
Comparative Art Accounts
Comparative Art Accounts
This Creative Instagram Account Pairs Alexa Chung with Paintings
YouTuber Lifestyle Networks
YouTuber Lifestyle Networks
Beauty Guru Michelle Phan Launches ICON Network with Endemol Beyond
Social Media Travel Sweepstakes
Social Media Travel Sweepstakes
This Digital Campaign for the Netherlands is from Expedia
Bookworm Social Accounts
Bookworm Social Accounts
This Beautiful Book Instagram Shares the Sheer Joy of Reading Real Books
Digital Temporary Tattoos
Digital Temporary Tattoos
'Magic Tattoos' Come to Life with the Scan of Your Smart Phone
Pop Culture Selfie Apps
Pop Culture Selfie Apps
Show Your Disney Side Turns Fans into Their Favorite Characters
Technology Rental Apps
Technology Rental Apps
NYC Startup KitSplit is a Peer-to-Peer Platform for Leasing Tech Equipment
Fashionable Instagram Campaigns
Fashionable Instagram Campaigns
Banana Republic Teams Up with Hot Dudes Reading for a Cause
Tech-Inspired Honest Posters
Tech-Inspired Honest Posters
Ajit Johnson Cleverly Depicts People's Dependence on Devices
Social Media Prints
Social Media Prints
Onehundredforty Turns Your Tweets into Art
Social Warming Stations
Social Warming Stations
Hive's Bus Shelter Ad Trades Tweets for Heat
Integrated Information Analyzers
Integrated Information Analyzers
Big Data Analytics Platform Harmonizes Statistics in Every Sphere
Eye-Opening Tattoo Campaigns
Eye-Opening Tattoo Campaigns
ACG Advertising Agency Raises Awareness Of Violence Against Women
In-Store Selfie Contests
In-Store Selfie Contests
Joe Fresh Embraces Social Media to Focus on Word-of-Mouth Promotion