New services are using AI to offer advice on individual's daily lives
Trend - Brands in the artificial intelligence space are launching journaling apps backed by generative AI. These services can help journalers identify patterns in their lives while receiving advice from AI. The AI provides insight into emotional states that otherwise may not have been identified.
Insight - The recent influx of generative AI-powered apps and services has led to many customers seeking out AI-powered apps over regular alternatives. AI typically offers value-adds to applications that would otherwise be very difficult to implement at scale. These customers desire AI for its speed, flexibility, customizability, and personalization, as well as its ability to sort through large amounts of data in an instant. Many such customers desire a personalized AI chatbot for more emotional questions, rather than a massive large language model with a factual focus.
Insight - The recent influx of generative AI-powered apps and services has led to many customers seeking out AI-powered apps over regular alternatives. AI typically offers value-adds to applications that would otherwise be very difficult to implement at scale. These customers desire AI for its speed, flexibility, customizability, and personalization, as well as its ability to sort through large amounts of data in an instant. Many such customers desire a personalized AI chatbot for more emotional questions, rather than a massive large language model with a factual focus.
Workshop Question - How could your brand incorporate generative AI technology to offer more personalization in services or products for customers?
Trend Themes
1. Generative Ai-powered Journaling Apps - Brands in the artificial intelligence space are launching journaling apps backed by generative AI to help users identify patterns in their lives while receiving feedback from AI.
2. Mental Health AI Journals - AI journaling applications are helping users to track their daily activities and how they affect their mood, providing personalized tips, building good habits, and joining a supportive community of people who share their struggles and successes.
3. Ink-first Ai-powered Journaling Apps - Notetaking apps like Microsoft's 'Journal' are using AI to create a more intuitive and personalized experience that recognizes handwritten text and shapes and allows users to search and edit them.
Industry Implications
1. Personalized AI Services - The influx of generative AI-powered apps and services has created an opportunity for customers seeking out AI-powered apps over regular alternatives for speed, flexibility, and customizability.
2. Mental Health Applications - With the increasing need for mental health support due to the ongoing pandemic, mental health AI applications and services are becoming more relevant, offering personalized support, and fostering healthy habits using AI.
3. Ai-enhanced Productivity Tools - The integration of AI in productivity tools like notetaking apps and journals has created many opportunities to enhance the user's experience, providing a more intuitive interface and personalized action cues based on context.